Prioritizing You: Self-Care Made Simple
If you’re often the last thing on your to-do list or if you’d just love a guided moment of self-care, this FREE mini-course is for you.
Prioritizing You: Self-Care Made Simple

If you’re often the last thing on your to-do list or if you’d just love a guided moment of self-care, this FREE mini-course is for you.
Self-care is so essential and yet, it often gets tangled up in our beliefs about being selfish, too busy, too tired, or that taking care of ourselves is just another chore. Ouch, right?
But what if self-care opens the door to a happier life? Join me and explore the many ways self-care helps you (and everyone around you). Plus you’ll get a guided moment of rest led by me.
You’ll experience the difference self-care can make in your day, and leave feeling refreshed.
In this series you’ll learn specific steps for:
Understanding what Self-Care even is
How to start prioritizing yourself
How to figure out what to do next when you feel like you don’t have time for self-care
How to work with feelings that come up when you take the time you need to rest
About Your Teacher
Ann Weiser Cornell, PhD, is the bestselling author of The Power of Focusing, The Radical Acceptance of Everything, 21 Days to Better Boundaries, and Focusing in Clinical Practice: The Essence of Change. She is internationally recognized as one of the leading innovators and theoreticians of Focusing, for her development with Barbara McGavin of Inner Relationship Focusing, and for her attention to facilitative language.