Recognizing the Forward Steps That Are Already Happening

Recognizing the Forward Steps That Are Already Happening
June 22, 2016 Ann Weiser Cornell

Focusing Tip #515

“I can see how becoming immersed in my feelings, instead of recognizing them as a part of myself, is not helpful.”

Joan writes:
Last week I wrote to you about having painful feelings, always the same, after my very painful divorce. I appreciate your thoughtful comments about language, and its power. I can see how becoming immersed in my feelings, instead of recognizing them as a part of myself, is not helpful. I wanted to share that I am already taking a lot of forward steps in my life: I am aware that there is a lot of healing for me in connecting to others, so I have been seeing some old friends and beginning to make a few new ones. I am also exploring women’s circles and groups.

Dear Joan:
What good news!

Yes, I really love the power of Self-in-Presence and the Presence Language of “something in me feels…”

When you use that language to disidentify, you are not pushing away or denying your feelings… you can still spend time with them (because they need that), AND you become aware of the positive steps you are already taking in your life…

When we get immersed and enmeshed in our painful feelings, we often lose sight of the positives that are also here. Being able to connect with other people for support is a big deal! Bravo!

I said last week that as you show up in your inner world as Self-in-Presence, you are building the resources of strength and resilience you need in order to both be a gentle healer inside and take forward steps again in your life.

And here are the forward steps already! I’m so pleased. Thank you for sharing.


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