How Inner Relationship Focusing Helps You Love Yourself More

Get Calmer

Experience More Self-Acceptance

Many of us struggle with a lot of self-judgment, doubt, and anxiety. If you’d like to develop more self-compassion and self-acceptance, we have a number of resources that can help…

From Anxious, Sad, or Overwhelmed to Calm

If you get overwhelmed by strong feelings like anxiety, anger, stress, or sadness, we can help you find your way back to calm, ease, and happiness. Check out our page full of resources to help you work with your own overwhelming emotions.

Resources to Help You With Overwhelming Emotions

Shift Your Experience with Inner Critics

Many of us experience a critical inner voice that undermines us at every turn. Sometimes that voice is hostile, other times it feels subtle and still cruel. But that can change… Check out our page full of resources to help you work with your own inner critics.

Start to Heal Emotional Trauma

Emotional trauma can lead to a great deal of self-criticism and self-blame. IRF helps you develop a more compassionate relationship with yourself. By developing this inner relationship, you can shift from self-criticism and self-blame to self-acceptance and self-compassion.


Improve Your Relationships (with Yourself and Others)

When you learn Inner Relationship Focusing, you learn to love and accept yourself. As a result, other people aren’t so triggering. And you’ll learn to listen to people in new ways that will improve your relationships. Check out our page full of resources to help you with your relationships.

Man enjoying alone time and healthy boundaries

Create + Maintain Healthy Boundaries

Establishing healthy boundaries is a key step toward creating a happier life, but it can be hard, right? If you’d like some support understanding how to set and maintain better boundaries, check out our page full of resources.

Resources to Help You With Boundaries