Accepting All of You
Live Webinars:
September 11
10am – 10:45 am Pacific
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September 18
10am – 10:45 am Pacific
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Accepting All of You
Live Webinars:
September 11
10am – 10:45 am Pacific
your time zone
September 18
10am – 10:45 am Pacific
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Let us show you a compassionate, effective process for looking inward and experiencing your feelings without shutting down or getting overwhelmed.
What changes when you can heal difficult or unwanted feelings and embrace your whole self? The answer: A whole lot… When you’re kinder to yourself, you’re more confident, relaxed, and available for connection, which makes life more meaningful and enjoyable.
To put it simply: Life gets better.
In this two-part webinar series, you’ll learn the initial steps of a powerful self-awareness process called Inner Relationship Focusing. I’ll be joined by Jinevra Howard, the amazing lead teacher for our IRF program: Your Path to Lasting Change.
We look forward to seeing you!
What We’ll Cover
Two-part live* webinar + email series
You’ll come away with powerful self-awareness skills you can put into practice right away–so you can experience the quiet confidence that comes from loving and trusting yourself more fully.
*And if you can’t attend live, sign up anyway to receive recordings of each webinar.
Becoming Proudly Imperfect
September 11, 2024
10am – 10:45am Pacific
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Nobody’s perfect! Yet you might feel you need to hide ‘mistakes’ and ‘imperfections’ for fear of negative consequences.
Wouldn’t it be great to know (and believe!) that your flaws don’t take away from what’s lovable about you? In this webinar, we’ll show you how to accept all of you, even your flaws and mistakes, and become more confident that others will do so too.
Making Peace with Choices You Regret
September 18, 2024
10am – 10:45am Pacific
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If you carry the burden of regret over choices you’ve made in the past, we can help.
In this webinar, you’ll find out how to make peace with the younger you who did the regrettable action. Rather than tearing yourself down, you can learn to hold past choices differently. You can start to trust you’ve been doing your best with the resources you’ve had. You can move from painful regret to understanding and self-acceptance. Let us show you how.
We Hope You’ll Join Us