Marcella Calabi – Power of Wanting

Marcella Calabi – Power of Wanting
December 11, 2013 admin

Marcella Calabi Soprano, Voice/Vision Consultant and Certified Focusing Professional New York City, NY

“The magnificent thing about Lucinda’s Power of Wanting course is how much richness it adds to our individual process – how much deeper it encourages us to go in our Focusing practice, and as a result how much farther it empowers us to go in our growth. I signed up looking for support in Focusing with the biggest unmet “wantings” in my life. Lucinda gave me that support and so much more. She gave me a structure and a safe container for attending to all the feelings that those desires bring up; a wise perspective on desire itself that was a revelation to me; and conceptual tools that were new to me, and profoundly helpful. I experienced several shifts and powerful ‘a-ha’ moments during the course, and my process continues to be informed by what I learned. Seeing how far forward those experiences moved me in my life, I’m finding it hard to believe the course was only five weeks long!”