Path to Lasting Change Affiliate Copy and Images

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Path to Lasting Change: Pre-Written Copy

Whenever you’re using our pre-written copy, remember in all cases to include your affiliate links! You can find them in your Affiliate Partner Account just by logging in.

Why Affiliate Links? 

Without your affiliate links, your customers won’t find our products and you won’t get your commission. We want to pay you, so please be sure to include them every time.

Pro Tip:

We recommend using to shorten your affiliate links before you add them to any Facebook posts or Tweets. If you sign up for a bitly account, there are all kinds of tools you can use to track engagement with the links you post. Be sure to check them out.

Using Our Copy:

The email, Facebook, and Twitter copy here are just suggestions for your convenience. Please feel free to adapt them so they are genuinely your own voice and your own opinions.

A Note About Commissions for Path to Lasting Change:

Commission is available for participants who pay full price for Path to Lasting Change, Part One. Students who make use of our scholarship arrangements are excluded from the commission program and commissions are not paid for the Part Two course at this time.

>> Return to the main Resources Page.

The copy below is great for Facebook. You can also use it if you want to include us in a regular newsletter that goes out to your list without taking up as much space as our solo email copy.

*Remember to include your affiliate URL and to shorten it with (or your preferred service).

Option 1:

We’ve found that personal stories do well on Social Media. Here’s a template to give you a sense of a short, compelling post. Please feel free to use as is or edit in a way that fits your experience of Focusing:

I used to get triggered by other people — saying things to a family member, or a customer service person, or another driver on the road that I felt so bad about later. It happens. We’re all human and sometimes we lose our cool. But it used to happen to me a lot and the backlash I felt afterward made me miserable (How could I have done that? I’m such a lousy person, etc.).

Then I learned Focusing. Focusing helped me learn how to pause when I felt triggered. I didn’t even know that was possible! Now, when the part of me that wants to roar at someone raises its shaggy head, it doesn’t take over. I can stop, in the moment, and notice what’s happening inside me. I can be with my own feelings, no matter how big and challenging they are. It makes such a difference in my relationships and in my life.

If stressful conversations get the best of you, Focusing can help. It’s been helping thousands of people live calmer, happier, less triggered lives for over three decades. Find out how you can learn Focusing here: [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK]

Option 2:

“Before learning Focusing, I often felt there was a giant weight bearing down on me. That left me feeling depressed, numb, and hopeless. I was constantly trying to avoid my feelings. While I still experience these feelings, I now have a way to engage with them that allows me to become bigger than they are.

“I have a process that helps me listen to my feelings instead of being overwhelmed by them. I’ve learned how to validate and empathize with my feelings so that their intensity decreases. I feel free of the oppressive weight I used to feel. The peace and calm I experience is extraordinary. There’s a saying, ‘leap and the net will appear,’ my experience is that Focusing is an extraordinary, powerful net.”

These are the words of a fellow student of Focusing. Most people who learn Focusing express similar shifts in their lives — from feeling overwhelmed and avoiding their emotions to feeling calmer and more at ease with everything they feel inside.

What is Focusing?

It’s a process for life change that assumes you are the expert on YOU (because who else could be?). It’s also a process that’s based on more than 50 research studies on effective change in therapy, but you don’t need a therapist to do Focusing.

With Focusing you learn how to turn inward and be present with whatever you find there — no more fighting yourself or pushing feelings away. You get clear, precise language for offering empathy to everything you feel so you can cultivate more self-compassion and find your right next step forward with a whole lot less stress or struggle. As Julie said above, Focusing is extraordinary.

If you’d like to shift from overwhelmed and avoiding your emotions, to the kind of extraordinary peace and calm Focusing offers, find out more about Your Path to Lasting Change here [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK]. It’s a game-changer for your life.

Here are some great soundbites you can use to get traction on Twitter. Character count included at the end of each option below.

  • What if you knew how to shift from stressed to calm easily, and consistently?  Learn how here: [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK] (94 characters)
  • Do your problems have no clear answers? Try Focusing! It’s about paying attention, but not in the way that you think. [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK] (117 characters)
  • Do your emotions ever feel like the enemy? Here’s something that can help…[INSERT AFFILIATE LINK] (74 characters)
  • Even your most difficult emotions can be sources of positive change. Find out how. [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK] (82 characters)
  • Ever wonder why trying to ‘fix’ yourself doesn’t work? Focusing can help you discover a radically different approach. [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK] (117 characters)

*Be sure to insert your affiliate URL at the end of your tweet (shorten it with first).

Subject lines can make the difference between an opened email and one that’s left out in the cold. Here are some we’ve crafted to help you warm up your open rates:

  • Powerfully shift old emotional patterns. Here’s how to get started…
  • Even your most difficult emotions can be sources of positive change. Find out how.
  • Why trying to “fix” yourself is the wrong approach and what works instead.
  • Do your emotions ever feel like the enemy? Here’s something that can help…

Pre-written email copy:

Talking yourself out of your feelings rarely works. And yet, it’s a strategy a lot of us employ. It sounds like this, “I shouldn’t be so angry/anxious/upset…”

Have you ever done that to yourself? If you have, then like me, you know it doesn’t work very well. So what does? What can you do instead?

I discovered a powerful practice called Focusing. It’s a research-based process that evolved out of studies on what actually created life change in therapy. And it works!

When you learn Focusing, you learn how to be curious about your feelings instead of trying to fix them or make them go away. You discover that You – who you are at your core – are always bigger than your emotions (no matter how big those emotions might feel). And that’s priceless when stress and uncertainty are high.

If you’ve been ‘shoulding’ all over your feelings and you’d like to experience more self-acceptance, try Focusing. You’ll learn how to quiet your mind, calm your emotions, and move forward more effectively.

You’ll also learn how to:

-Pause when feelings start to take over (and why that’s a critical first step toward change)

-Stop “fixing” yourself and what works instead (hint: it involves empathy and learning how to listen to your feelings without getting all tangled up in them)

-Become the calmest version of you (and why that matters)

If you’re ready to learn more, or even ready to get started now, check out the Your Path to Lasting Change training program at Focusing Resources. They’ve been teaching people Focusing, and powerfully transforming lives, for over 35 years.



Pro tip: If you grok buttons, use ‘em. Just replace the affiliate URL paragraph with a button that points to the same link.

Pre-written email copy:

What if you could stop trying to fix yourself and start to accept everything about you just as you are?

It might sound impossible. It used to sound impossible to me too. There were parts of me I honestly couldn’t stand and then, I found Focusing. It changed my life. One thing I discovered is when I stopped trying to fix myself, things actually changed faster and with less struggle on my part.

Why is that?

Well, the desire to fix oneself, while well-meaning, is a kind of decision (inside) that you’re not okay the way you are. Now, I’m not saying you shouldn’t try to feel better if you’re hurting or life is hard. Luckily there’s a way to bring about change that doesn’t make you (or any part of you) wrong for how things are right now. It’s Focusing. 

With Focusing, you learn how to be present to whatever your feeling — especially the challenging emotions. You might think, “Well, I can just start to do this on my own.” But, in my experience, it’s not as simple as it sounds. There are all kinds of reasons why being present to what you feel gets tricky. With Focusing, you learn where the pitfalls and challenges are, you practice cultivating inner resources that help you get bigger than what’s bugging you, and you get specific language and processes to consistently offer empathy and compassion to your feelings. No more fighting with what you feel (I shouldn’t feel this way…) or pushing your emotions away (I think I’ll just eat this donut or watch 10 hours of Netflix…).

I was surprised to find that even my most difficult emotions, the ones I dreaded facing, could become sources of positive change and growth with Focusing. Yet Focusing consistently made a difference when I made it part of my everyday life.

I can’t say enough about how Focusing helped me move from struggle and stress to a sense of calm and clarity. I know it works. It worked for me, it’s worked for tens of thousands of people, and I trust it can offer something for you too.

If you’d like to experience greater self-acceptance and an easier road to change, learn more about the Path to Lasting Change Program at Focusing Resources: INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE URL (shortened with


Pro tip: If you grok buttons, use ‘em. Just replace the affiliate URL paragraph with a button that points to the same link.

Images for Your Emails, Website & More

Download any of the images below and use them as visual content in your email, newsletter, Facebook posts, or even as small ads or banners on your website.

How to Download Images to Your PC or Mac

If you are using a PC:

  • In Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome, right click the image and select “Save Image As…” from the menu.
  • In the dialog box that pops up, choose where you would like to save the file on your computer.

If you are using a Mac:

  • In Safari, Chrome or Firefox, right click on the image. Select “Save Image As…” from the menu.
  • In the dialog box that pops up, choose where you would like to save the file on your computer.

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