Referral Partner Promotion Resources

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Below are links to all the resources you need to communicate with your list about our offerings including pre-written subject lines, email copy, Facebook post content, and Tweets.

We’ve also included beautiful images you can use anytime you’re flexing your affiliate muscles.

Access Prewritten Copy for Live, Online Courses

Your Path to Lasting Change

Your Path to Lasting Change

Helps with: stress | overwhelming feelings | emotional overwhelm | inner critic | tuning in to your body’s wisdom | increasing self-compassion | Focusing partnership

Access Prewritten Copy for On-Demand Courses

SHIFT course


Helps with: stress overwhelming feelings | making decisions blocks to action inner critic

Inner Critic

Finding Freedom from Inner Critics

Helps with: inner critic | increasing self-compassion | healing emotional pain from the past

21 Days to Healthier Boundaries

21 Days to Healthier Boundaries

Helps with: stress overwhelming feelings | making decisions blocks to action inner critic

You Can’t Run on Empty

Helps with: stress | emotional overwhelm | inner critic | tuning in to your body’s wisdom | increasing self-compassion | blocks to action | Focusing in daily life

Navigating Loss and Change

Navigating Loss & Change

Helps with: increasing self-compassion | grief work | inner sense of rightness

Loving the unlovable

Loving the Unlovable

Helps with: increasing self-compassion healing emotional pain from the past shame

The Urge to Indulge

Helps with: increasing self-compassion shame | habits

Releasing Blocks to Action

Releasing Blocks to Action

Helps with: blocks to action | increasing self-compassion | inner sense of rightness | inner critics

Focusing Alone

Helps with: stress | overwhelming feelings | increasing self-compassion

The Rock and the Hard Place

Helps with: increasing self-compassion | pain and physical symptoms

Self-in-Presence…and Parts

Helps with: stress | overwhelming feelings | increasing self-compassion 

At the crossroads

At the Crossroads

Helps with: making decisions | inner sense of rightness

Access Prewritten Copy for Audio Sets

Learning Focusing

Helps with: stress | overwhelming feelings

Radical Gentleness

Helps with: increasing self-compassion healing emotional pain from the past | shame

Holding On and Letting Go

Helps with: blocks to action, making decisions

Philosophy Focusing and Dreams

Philosophy, Focusing & Dreams

Helps with: Gendlin’s philosophy

Other Affiliate Resources