How to use this page: Click on any question below to open the bar and find the answer.

Digital product links display during the checkout process. You’ll also receive an email with the link to download your product.

There are a few places you can check first.

  1. Your spam and junk mail folders.
  2. Your folder if you use that service to manage your inbox.
  3. Your Promotions tab if you use Gmail.

If you need additional support, you can email our Customer Happiness Specialist.

You have 5 download attempts available with your purchase. If you’re trying to download onto a phone or tablet and it’s not working, we recommend switching to a computer or laptop before you max out your download attempts. Please email us if you’ve maxed out your download attempts and been unable to access your files.

Please email our Customer Happiness Specialist and let us know what you ordered and what was missing.

Some of our digital downloads come as a .zip file. It works best to download this kind of file to a computer (instead of a phone or tablet). Once the file is fully downloaded, you’ll open up the file to “unzip” — the audio files will be inside. If you’re not familiar with .zip files, you can use one of these handy guides to get support with:

Apple computers
PC computers
Apple devices
Android devices (via Google)

If you have a different kind of device, you can search for “How to download a Zip file on a…” and add your device type.

Please note: Each purchased digital copy is licensed to one individual for personal use only.