An on-demand video course with Ann Weiser Cornell to help you recharge.

You Can’t Run on Empty:
Create More Rest & Self-Care in 21 Days

Create small, sustainable changes so you can live a more well-rested, self-loving life.

(Because when you know what you need and how to give it to yourself, life gets a whole lot better!)

Get your first lesson as soon as you sign up!

It’s as important to quiet the obsessing mind as it is to rest the body.

– Ann Weiser Cornell

Self-care isn’t just about finding ways to unwind. It’s about taking care of your well-being at every level – mind, body, emotions, spirit, and relationships.

Whether You’re:

Burned out, exhausted, or overwhelmed from juggling too much for too long

Tired and making it through the day, but hoping it could get better

Engaged in good self-care and wanting to deepen your practice

Some Signs You’re Running on Empty…

You’re easily irritated.

If you blow up over little things, like running out of butter for your toast, it’s a clear sign you’re running on empty. When you’re less resourced, it’s harder to control your temper.

You’re easily Concentration is hard to come by.

When you’re over-committed and your brain is buzzing in an endless loop, it can feel impossible to focus on one thing for long periods of time.

You feel really tense.

Perhaps your back is full of knots. or maybe you’re scowling a lot. Exhaustion shows up in your body – in your breathing and how you hold yourself. Tension makes your body work harder and can lead to pain.

You’re not sleeping well.

When you’re working too hard or drowning in your to-do list, sleep can feel impossible and that has a dramatic effect on your well-being.

If you’re struggling with self-care, this course can help you recharge. Join me to learn simple processes that help you create an oasis of self-care in the middle of your day.

Do You:

  • Keep pushing past your limits of energy and mental clarity?
  • Have trouble prioritizing yourself?
  • Get caught up in mindless distractions that don’t really energize you?
  • Resist self-care because it’s become one more “should” in your life?

Prioritizing self-care can be difficult, especially if you’ve heard it’s selfish or indulgent. And when you’re really running on empty, it’s even harder because you don’t have the energy or clarity to figure out what self-care looks like.

Thankfully, I’ve got that figured out for you!

to-do list

I’d like to help you give yourself the true rest and regeneration you need…and deserve.

So I created something that gives you relaxation and self-care immediately and also helps you invite more self-care into your life from now on.

Let me introduce You Can’t Run on Empty: Create More Rest & Self-Care in 21 Days

I created this course to give you the skills and support you need to nurture yourself…even when that’s hard. And to help you strengthen any existing self-care routines.

You’ll learn self-care practices so simple and immediate, you’ll find yourself doing them without getting stuck in endless inner arguments.

Every day, for 21 days, you’ll receive brand-new material that’s like an oasis of self-care in the middle of your day.

Plus, you’ll know you’re not alone in the self-care struggle. The moment you join, you become part of a community of people working on the same issues who can help you stay on track.

Within you is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.

― Herman Hesse, Siddhartha

You Can’t Run on Empty: Create More Rest & Self-Care at a Glance

Daily Practices

Every day for 21 days you get one new practice to explore

Online Video Trainings

Daily videos to help you put the practices to work. Easy-to-use online course you can access from anywhere.

Supportive Community

A forum where you and other people in the course can share and connect

Get Support Creating Your Own Rhythms of Rest & Self-Care

Some of the Topics We’ll Cover

  • When You Resist Self-Care
  • How to Prioritize Yourself – and Why It’s Not Selfish
  • Instead of Distraction – True Rest
  • What to Do with Too Much to Do
  • Making Friends with Tiredness
  • The Challenges & Gifts of Slowing Down
  • Taking Time for Self-Care When You Are Responsible for Others
  • The Lost Art of Doing Nothing
  • The Difference Between Putting Things Off & Resting
  • And more!

About Your Teacher

Ann Weiser Cornell used to prioritize work over family, fun, and her own rest… and nearly burned herself out. Now she trusts her body to let her know when she needs to rest, and she lives a happier, more fulfilling life

Ann created Inner Relationship Focusing with her long-time colleague, Barbara McGavin, to help people learn to listen compassionately to all the inner voices. Along the way, Ann and Barbara developed a radical new process for relating to the self-blaming voices inside them. It changed their lives, and it became their mission to help others transform as well.

For over 35 years now, Ann’s been teaching this practical, revolutionary process to people all over the world. With this on-demand course, you get the benefit of Ann’s expertise and the chance to practice the simple, yet revolutionary process of Focusing with her gentle, compassionate guidance.

Ann is the author of 21 Days to Healthier Boundaries, Focusing in Clinical Practice: The Essence of Change, The Power of Focusing, and The Radical Acceptance of Everything. Today she is internationally recognized as one of the leading innovators and theoreticians of Focusing.

“You can learn to trust your body’s sense of what you need, and when.”

― Ann Weiser Cornell

Are you ready to move from burned out and exhausted to rested and refreshed?

Develop the skills to help you:

Identify what you need and start giving it to yourself (without turning self-care into a chore).

Gently shift the barriers and resistances to rest and self-care, so you can stop putting yourself last and start feeling more rejuvenated by your life.

Create the small, sustainable changes to take care of your well-being at every level – mind, body, emotions, spirit, and relationships.

Enroll for Your Course Here

You Can’t Run on Empty: Create More Rest & Self-Care in 21 Days


21-day Video Course to help you move beyond stress and burnout so you can take care of your well-being at every level.

Get Even More Support with Helpful Program Bonuses!

Available as soon as you sign up.

Self-Care Springboard

Take the decision fatigue out of self-care choices with our downloadable list of simple strategies for choosing rest and well-being. We’ve included activities based on time limitations, ways to include other people, and choices that support the body, mind, and spirit. You’ll also get a tear-off version if you prefer pulling ideas from a jar and letting random choice take the wheel!

Self-Care Tracker

For the list-makers and box-tickers out there, this downloadable PDF is a visually fun way to track your progress in making choices that create more well-being in your life. We recommend using it to support your intention to choose more rest. (And if you might use something like this to beat yourself up for what you’re not doing, we gently suggest letting this one go.)

Soothe Your Senses Meditation Collection

A gentle series of guided Focusing meditations to reset your body, mind, and mood. Listen along as Ann Weiser Cornell leads you into a relaxing, restful state. This series includes topics like: Summoning the Energy to Get Started, Listening to the Body’s Cues for Rest & Relaxation and more.

Identify Your Self-Care Chameleons

This colorful PDF guide helps you sense the difference between restful seeming activities and choices that genuinely support your well-being. Like the difference between getting envious or depressed by an Insta-influencer’s endless vacation versus the little pockets of joy you get from watching funny cat videos on a stressful day

Notice the moments when you can give to yourself, and take those moments, even if they are brief.

― Ann Weiser Cornell & Barbara McGavin

What People Are Saying

How This Course Works

Learn Wherever You Like

This course is accessible by computer, tablet, or smart phone. If you can connect to the internet, you can connect to this course!

Be Supported In Your Process!

You won’t be going it alone! You’ll have access to a forum to chat with other students, plus access to Ann for parts where you might feel stuck.

Available at Your Convenience!

Access new content (delivered daily) whenever it works for you. You get lifetime access, so you can revisit the material anytime

Interactive Materials

This course includes a beautiful PDF workbook to help you integrate your learning. There will also be checkpoints during the course to check-in on your progress.

Got Questions? We’ve Got Your Answers…

The great news is that you can take this course whenever it works for you. You get content when you want it, plus lifetime access. No stressing out about being somewhere on time. Way less pressure to move through the material at a pace that might not fit for you. The lessons are compact and set up so that you can do them in small bites or big chunks depending on your learning style and your availability.

No. You’ll have access to the first lesson of the course as soon as you sign up. Every day you’ll get a new lesson released to you. We provide the content in ‘small bites’ like this because taking time to practice the material and move forward in small, consistent steps supports you in making the kinds of changes you really want to make.

Sure. The classroom is virtual. You’ll get access to the course platform right after registering. Materials are provided via a combination of video, audio slideshows, and written content to cover a variety of learning styles. There is a forum so you can connect with other program participants and be part of a dynamic learning community. And you get lifetime access to all of it. Go through it once and come back anytime you need some extra support to handle life!

Thanks for asking. Each course is licensed to a single user – you! While we can’t authorize you to share the materials, we’d love to have your friend participate too. Please feel free to invite them to sign up too!

Your course comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. If you let us know within one year after you purchase the course that we didn’t deliver what we said we would, just ask and we’ll cheerfully refund the full course fee.

No, we’re sorry. Continuing Education Units (CE Credits) are not available for this course. If you need CE Credits, please check out our upcoming live online courses here.

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