Do your clients get triggered into emotional states out of proportion to current issues?
Are there areas of emotional fragility and “resistance” that are difficult to help your clients get past?
Do you long for your clients to become strong, adult partners in their own recovery?
Most client issues have trauma at the core.
Early life trauma – usually attachment trauma of some kind – is at the core of most of the issues our clients are struggling with. An essential component of trauma healing is cultivating the strong self, Self-in-Presence — in other words, the ability to be present with different parts and their needs.
You can help your clients become the healing environment for their trauma.
When the client is in the state of emotional overwhelm, therapy goals can be hard to achieve. Effective therapy usually involves facilitating the client’s development of a strong self. This course offers specific, empowering language that enables clients to move into a stronger sense of self even in the first session.
This work can be done within any psychotherapy modality and can combine with any other trauma healing method.

“The ‘problems’ inside you are only those parts of the process that have been stopped, and the aim of Focusing is to unstop them and get the process moving again.” -Gene Gendlin
About the Beyond Trauma Course
Many core life issues stem from early experiences of trauma.
The presenting issue may be a current relationship, or low self-esteem, or conflicts with authority figures… and yet we know that before too long something about childhood will come up.
Because the past casts a long shadow over the present.
It’s very moving when your client trusts you enough to tell some of those early stories. Yet simply recounting the incidents and reliving the emotions only goes so far. It’s as if the adult sitting in the therapy room somehow “is” the vulnerable, overwhelmed child. What we need to do is invite the client to be his/her strong adult self, and to be with the inner traumatized child.
In a sense, the trauma is still happening now.
The IRF view of trauma is that it is “stopped process.” An aspect of self (“part”) has been left behind, frozen, in the field of the trauma. Other parts patrol the borders of the frozen area, ready to send sleepiness or distraction, convinced that contact with the pain of the trauma would be too much for the person. Being caught up in distressed emotional states does not strengthen the person’s core self.
Your client doesn’t have to be at the mercy of past events.
The clinician can offer interventions that support the client in shifting into an inner healing relationship with even the most intense emotional states. This can happen even when the tendency otherwise would be to control the emotions, distract from them, or repress them
Healing from trauma is possible within a supportive inner relationship.
The clinician informed by IRF supports and encourages the client to build his/her ability to be Self-in-Presence with parts that are stuck at younger life stages. This enables attachment needs to be filled in by the client’s own secure, compassionate inner relationship with his or her distressed emotional states. It also gives clients the self-worth-enhancing experience of being able to regulate their own affect.

Skills You’ll Gain
You’ll learn how to:
- Use language that supports the client in being in relationship with his or her emotional states instead of being flooded by them
- Give your clients “homework” in the form of simple, practical emotional regulation practices to use during the week
- Strengthen your own calm presence with your clients even when you are tired or stressed
And you’ll also learn:
- Why it isn’t necessary for your client to recover specific memories in order to heal from past trauma – and what is needed instead
- A definition of trauma that is sensible, hopeful, and process-oriented, based on Eugene Gendlin’s idea that “the organism can fill in what was missing”
- How you can help your client grow in her/his ability to acknowledge, be with, and keep company with emotional states
Three weekly themes – Each introduces one or two new skills you can use to help your clients move beyond trauma.

Cultivating Self-in-Presence for Your Clients – and Yourself
Learn how to support your clients in becoming an “inner healing environment” for their own traumatized younger selves… and learn ways to enhance your own healing presence.

Emotional Fragility and Low Self-Esteem – How We Help
Explore the challenges and difficulties of working with clients whose emotional states are easily triggered, and discover specific ways to help such clients experience a stronger sense of self.

Healing Trauma by Cultivating Self-in-Presence
Practice a process for healing trauma through cultivating the client’s healing relationship with the “younger self” who has remained frozen in the trauma state… until now.
About Your Teacher
Ann Weiser Cornell, PhD, is the co-developer (with Barbara McGavin) of Inner Relationship Focusing. Ann learned Focusing in 1972 from its developer, Eugene Gendlin, and was his close friend and colleague to the end of his life.
Ann is the author of several definitive books on Focusing, including Focusing in Clinical Practice: The Essence of Change, The Power of Focusing, and The Radical Acceptance of Everything. She has taught Inner Relationship Focusing around the world since 1980, and is a past president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology. Today she is internationally recognized as one of the leading innovators and theoreticians of Focusing.

― Ann Weiser Cornell
Do You Want to Help Clients Cultivate a Strong Inner Self?
Help them become an ‘inner environment’ for change…
Beyond Trauma: Helping Your Clients Cultivate Inner Presence On-Demand Course
Three Week On-Demand Video Course to help you learn powerful and practical ways to help your therapy clients heal from trauma by supporting the client in cultivating the strong inner self, Self-in-Presence. Unlimited, lifetime access Taught by Ann Weiser Cornell Note: This is an interactive video course. Video was recorded during an actual live course and has been edited. Sound quality may vary.
How This Course Works

Be Supported In Your Process!
You won’t be going it alone! You’ll have access to a forum to chat with other students, plus access to Ann for parts where you might feel stuck.

Available at Your Convenience!
You can move through this course as quickly or slowly as you like. You’ll also have lifetime access to the material, so you can revisit it anytime

Interactive Materials
This course includes a beautiful PDF workbook to help you integrate your learning. There will also be checkpoints during the course to check-in on your progress.