Would you like some compassionate support?
Get a guided session with Focusing Expert Ann Weiser Cornell
A one-to-one session is the most direct way to immediately experience the benefits of Inner Relationship Focusing.

“The very first Focusing session I did with Ann was transformative, powerful, magical. It allowed me to gain access to parts of myself that years of different kinds of inner work had never led me to. It was like being with a master guide/teacher who was also a very human, very present being who could be with me so skillfully that I could get out of my own way enough to listen to myself, really start to listen to hidden parts of my heart.”

Guided sessions are done by phone or Zoom, your choice. If you are local or visiting the San Francisco Bay Area, sessions may be in person by prearrangement (email isabella@focusingresources.com).
See Ann’s availability and book your session using her online scheduler.

You can bring any life issue where you’d like to experience change.
This includes feeling blocked, feeling unworthy, emotional distress, the longing to move forward with your life, wanting a greater connection with body knowing, or anything else needing attention.

At the start of the session, you’ll share what you want to experience change in. You don’t need to give details about your life situation. Ann won’t be giving you any advice or analysis about your situation. This is your process.
You can expect to feel deeply understood and to understand yourself more deeply, with your concerns and your goals at the center of the work.

All sessions with Ann are 50 minutes and cost $225.
We also have 2 ways to receive a free Focusing session. For more on that, click here.
About Your Guide
Ann Weiser Cornell, PhD, is the co-developer (with Barbara McGavin) of Inner Relationship Focusing. Ann learned Focusing in 1972 from its developer, Eugene Gendlin, and was his close friend and colleague to the end of his life.
Ann has written several definitive books on Focusing, including The Power of Focusing: A Practical Guide to Emotional Self-Healing, Focusing in Clinical Practice: The Essence of Change, and Untangling – How You Can Transform What’s Impossibly Stuck, co-written by Barbara McGavin.
She has been guiding people in Focusing, as well as teaching Inner Relationship Focusing around the world, since 1980. She is a past president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology. Read more about Ann here.