Are you hard on yourself? Do you feel bad about yourself and you’re not sure why?
Is there a little voice in your head that points out everything you’re doing wrong and overlooks anything you do right?
We’ve got good news: There are no enemies inside. Even our harshest inner critics are trying to keep us safe.
Even better news? There is a way for you to Transform Your Relationship to Your Inner Critic and we can show you how.
Get our free, short video course and discover a revolutionary process for shifting how you show up when your inner critic comes calling.
Create More Peace in Your Life
About Your Teacher
Ann Weiser Cornell, PhD, is the co-developer (with Barbara McGavin) of Inner Relationship Focusing. Ann learned Focusing in 1972 from its developer, Eugene Gendlin, and was his close friend and colleague to the end of his life.
Ann has written several definitive books on Focusing, including The Power of Focusing: A Practical Guide to Emotional Self-Healing, and Focusing in Clinical Practice: The Essence of Change.
She has taught Inner Relationship Focusing around the world since 1980, and is a past president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology.

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