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Finding Freedom From Inner Critics 21-Day On-Demand Course: Pre-Written Copy Just For You

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Using Our Copy:

The email, Facebook, and Twitter copy here are just suggestions for your convenience. Please feel free to adapt them so they are genuinely your own voice and your own opinions.

>> Return to the main Resources Page.

The copy below is great for Facebook. You can also use it if you want to include us in a regular newsletter that goes out to your list without taking up as much space as our solo email copy.

*Remember to include your affiliate URL and to shorten it with bitly.com (or your preferred service).

Option 1:

(if you’ve taken the course)

Being kind to myself hasn’t always come easy to me. One thing that really helped was Ann Weiser Cornell’s online course, Finding Freedom From Inner Critics. It helped me discover all the ways inner critics were taking a toll on my well-being (some of them were surprising). And it gave me useful (and easy) practices to help relieve the pain of feeling not quite good enough. If you have Parts that criticize, shame or blame you this course really helps! Find out how to change the way you relate to the Parts that criticize you, click here: INSERT LINK

Option 2:

Inner critics can be crushing, right? From paralyzing you with perfectionism to hurling shame-inducing words your way, they know how to hurt you. It might surprise you to hear that inner critics actually have good intentions. They mean well. But they’re afraid of what might happen if you ____ . And the only way those voices know how to defend you leaves you feeling terrible. Learn how to relate to your inner critic in a radically different way so you can feel calmer, stronger, and more confident. Get started here: INSERT LINK

Here are some great soundbites you can use to get traction on Twitter. Character count included at the end of each option below.

  • Being kind to yourself might not come easy. Learn how to treat yourself with less self-criticism and more kindness. [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK] (115 characters)
  • Discover a different way to approach inner critics so you can move forward with more confidence, peace, and self-compassion. [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK] (124 characters)
  • Does telling your inner critic to go away make it come back bigger and meaner? Learn a kinder, life-enhancing way to change the way you experience parts that criticize you. [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK](172 characters)
  • Learn about the subtle ways inner critics can take a toll on your well-being and what you can do to feel calmer, stronger, and more confident. [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK] (142 characters)

*Be sure to insert your affiliate URL at the end of your tweet (shorten it with bitly.com first).

Subject lines can make the difference between an opened email and one that’s left out in the cold. Here are some we’ve crafted to help you warm up your open rates:

  • Inner Critics have a painful secret…
  • What if every inner critic is a small, scared kid trying to help?
  • Can you really be okay with making mistakes?
  • Do mistakes leave you burning with shame? Get help here…

Pre-written email copy:

There’s a secret to the Inner Critic. No matter how fierce and stern it appears, it’s actually a frightened and anxious young part of you. It does what it does to try to save you, not to hurt you. It causes all that suffering not because it wants to, but because of how desperately anxious it is.

The first time I learned this was in Ann Weiser Cornell’s courses. It was life-changing. Because when you know this about an inner critic and treat it with compassion, it relaxes. It lightens. It actually becomes an ally. And it can even disappear completely.

If inner critics are taking a toll on your well-being, Ann Weiser Cornell’s powerful 21-day course, Finding Freedom From Inner Critics can help.

When you join, every day for 21 days, you get a video with a simple practice to do that day. And you get a community full of supportive, like-minded people doing the same work!

It’s truly tragic how many people are held back from living a joyful life, a life that contributes to others and the world, because of their inner critical voice. There is so much emotional suffering, and so much loss of creativity, productivity, and simple, basic happiness, that stem from the inner criticizing process… and all of that can change.

Join Ann and learn how to:

– Recognize when a critical part is activated and why this happens
– Develop skills to respond to inner critics with presence and empathy
– Move forward with more confidence, inner peace, and self-compassion
– And so much more!

BUTTON: Start turning self-blame into self-compassion (INSERT AFFILIATE LINK)



Pre-written email copy:

Making mistakes and not being perfect can set off an avalanche of shame.

It’s not uncommon to make a small, innocent mistake and be stuck with a nagging inner voice berating you for doing something ‘so stupid.’

Life is hard enough without having negative, shaming voices in your head, right?

My Focusing teacher, Ann Weiser Cornell, has a powerful, straightforward process for getting out of shame spirals so you can get on with your life. Here’s one of her exercises…she calls it ‘“First Aid For When Your Inner Critic Comes Calling”:

ONE: Pause and feel the support under your body. Breathe.
TWO: Put a gentle hand on the place where your body feels bad, and say to that place, “Yes, I know you’re feeling bad.”
THREE: Use this language: “I am sensing something in me feeling really ashamed and bad about that mistake.”
FOUR: Acknowledge what it is saying — but without agreeing or disagreeing. For example: “I am sensing something in me is saying that was a stupid mistake and I’m wrong and bad.”
FIVE: Wonder if it might be worried. “I am wondering if it might be worried about me making mistakes… and what it is worried will happen.”

When I first encountered Focusing, I was amazed that something so simple could make such a difference in my life. And now Ann’s 21-day online course, Finding Freedom From Inner Critics, is available again. The last time she ran this people raved about it using phrases like “blown away” and talking about how it “dramatically” changed their lives.

If you’d like to learn how to change your relationship to the critical parts of you, this program is the best I’ve seen. Click the button below to learn more.

BUTTON: Start turning self-blame into self-compassion (INSERT AFFILIATE LINK)



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  • In Safari, Chrome or Firefox, right click on the image. Select “Save Image As…” from the menu.
  • In the dialog box that pops up, choose where you would like to save the file on your computer.