An on-demand course with Ann Weiser Cornell
At the Crossroads
Finding Your Way to Calm, Clear Decisions
Whether You’re:
Facing big, difficult decisions and you’d like to explore what’s in the way of being clear…
Troubled by past choices you regret and you’d like to feel better…
Full of self-doubt, agonizing over small decisions, and you’d like to feel more confident about making choices…
Join us and take back your power to choose.
Decisions can be tough.
Some decisions feel agonizing. A decision gets made, then self-doubt and second-guesses creep in. It’s easy to end up going around in circles, trying to make lists of pros and cons. But none of it helps.
It can often seem like a decision is a battle between the head and the heart. Rationally, it seems things should go one way, but your feelings pull you in another direction.
As long as the decision hangs over you, you feel stuck, and the sense of frustration over not moving forward adds on to the pain of being undecided.
An important decision shouldn’t be made by either the head or the heart.
When decisions are hard, it’s because we have multiple parts of us pulling in different directions, making it hard to find a clear way forward.
Each of those parts has something it’s trying to help you with, or trying to protect you from. What seem to be contradictory directions might actually be different ways to get to the same result.
When you understand and acknowledge what each side is trying to help you do and feel, new possibilities often emerge.

Decisions don’t have to pull us apart…they CAN pull us together again!
Decisions — especially hard ones that create internal conflict — are opportunities. They are profound moments in which two (or more) sides of the self need to be honored and heard in order to move forward from our wholeness.
Often, when it seems there is insoluble conflict, a third way can emerge, one that takes into account the positives of both sides.
In the process, you can get in touch with your deeper needs and values, what really matters to you. You affirm your own power to choose, and move forward, even if what you ultimately decide isn’t perfect.
You’ll learn how to:
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About Your Teacher
Ann Weiser Cornell struggled with painful addiction, anxiety in social situations, and an inability to do the thing she most wanted to do – write.
Ann created Inner Relationship Focusing with her long-time colleague, Barbara McGavin, to help alleviate the thinking and feeling cycles that kept her stuck in hard places. It changed her life, and it became her mission to help others create quiet miracles in their lives too.
For over 35 years now, Ann’s been teaching this practical, revolutionary process to people all over the world. With her At the Crossroads on-demand course, you get the benefit of Ann’s expertise and the chance to practice the simple, yet revolutionary process of Focusing with her gentle, compassionate guidance.
Ann is the author of 21 Days to Better Boundaries, Focusing in Clinical Practice: The Essence of Change, The Power of Focusing, The Radical Acceptance of Everything, and Untangling: How You Can Transform What’s Impossibly Stuck. Today she is internationally recognized as one of the leading innovators and theoreticians of Focusing.

When decisions seem to pull you apart, Focusing can help you come back together again.
Discover the practical steps to making decisions with your whole self. Join us and explore how you can:
How This Course Works

Be Supported In Your Process!
You won’t be going it alone! You’ll have access to a forum to chat with other students, plus access to Ann for parts where you might feel stuck.

Available at Your Convenience!
You can move through this course as quickly or slowly as you like. You’ll also have lifetime access to the material, so you can revisit it anytime

Interactive Materials
This course includes a beautiful PDF workbook to help you integrate your learning. There will also be checkpoints during the course to check-in on your progress.