The Rock and the Hard Place:
Exploring the Gifts of Pain
An On-Demand Course with Ann Weiser Cornell
Being in pain is like being between a rock and a hard place.
The Rock: I am in pain. The Hard Place: I want it to stop.
Is the struggle with pain a daily reality for you?
Does your pain ever feel like a punishment – or proof that something is wrong with you?
Is physical (or emotional) pain simply too much sometimes?
Is This For You?
Pain and the struggle to not be in pain can dominate our daily reality. The thoughts: “What if this goes on forever?” and the feelings: worry, anxiety, depression, despair – compound the pain itself and sap our energy. Emotional pain can be as bad as physical pain, dragging us down and fogging our brains.
Does it have to be that way? Wouldn’t it be great if our life energy and our unquenchable spirit could emerge, stronger than the pain? If we could find a way to do that, then in a real way even the pain would have a gift in it.
What You’ll Learn
- How to stop fighting with your pain
- How to use body awareness to track physical symptoms and monitor what kind of help and support you need
- The problem with the word “pain” and how the language we use can change our internal experience
- How to give your emotional (or physical) pain the space it needs to change without being forced.
- How to get in touch with the resources you really have that have been masked by the pain
- How to receive the gifts in your pain.
Do you want to radically shift your relationship with pain?

Being in pain is like being between a rock and a hard place. The Rock: I am in pain. The Hard Place: I want it to stop. It’s hard enough to be in pain without also being in self-blame about what it means about you, and in anxiety about whether it will go on forever.
This is a course about finding the simplicity in pain. Pain is actually very simple. It’s all those reactions that complicate it: the self-blame, the anxiety about the future, the fear about what it means. Those are all ways we fight our pain. As soon as we are not fighting with pain, we can bring a simple kind of attention to it – open, curious, exploring. It’s amazing what kind of guidance that can bring.
In the three weeks of this course, I will show you a method for shifting your relationship with pain, both emotional and physical (can we always tell the difference?), and for accessing your resources of resilience, life energy, and wisdom.
Maybe it will still hurt. I can’t promise a cure. But change is possible. Your body has resources beyond what you know, that’s for sure. Let’s explore together how to shift awareness so that the pain has the most chance of healing – and so that you find the gifts in your pain.
Three weekly modules – Each introduces one or two new skills you can use to transform your relationship with pain.

Letting Go of the Labels
However bad the pain is, the emotional and mental struggle around it makes it worse. That includes the fears and worries and resistance that arise around feeling it. And there is a way of shifting that struggle so it is much less.

Emotional Pain and Chronic Pain
About any kind of pain, there is one fundamental stance that can be enormously helpful. It is to know, and to say: This is here for some good reason. From this place, we can bring curiosity and compassion to what hurts, helping it to change even a little bit.

Exploring the Gifts of Pain
When we are in the midst of pain, it can be hard to remember that pain helps us exercise and strengthen resources and capabilities within ourselves. Together we’ll explore what some of those unexpected gifts might be.
Pain is a Communication We Can Receive…
Late one night in an unfamiliar lodging, all alone, I burned my arm trying to turn off an electric tea kettle in the dark. The pain was excruciating. I ran cold water on the burn and lay down to try to get some sleep.
Using the kind of simple awareness I had learned from Focusing, I didn’t try to struggle with the pain of the burn, or feel scared of how much it hurt, or feel sorry for myself. I simply sank into the sensation, sensing exactly how it felt. I searched for a word to describe the sensation (not “pain”). The word that came was “sizzling.” Soon after that, I fell asleep.
In the morning, my arm did not hurt at all. I could see a large blister beginning to come up at the burn site. But there was no pain whatsoever. Over the next few weeks the injury cycled through a healing process… but it never hurt again. I always thought that injuries kept hurting until they healed. Evidently not.
From experiences like this I have come to believe that pain is a communication and that when we receive the communication, it may not need to keep sending. For more serious injuries I have not found that pain goes away completely like this – but I have found that this non-struggling, simple awareness speeds up healing and reduces the emotional strain and energy drain.
About Your Teacher
Ann Weiser Cornell struggled with painful addiction, anxiety in social situations, and an inability to do the thing she most wanted to do – write.
Ann created Inner Relationship Focusing with her long-time colleague, Barbara McGavin, to help alleviate the thinking and feeling cycles that kept her stuck in hard places. It changed her life, and it became her mission to help others create quiet miracles in their lives too.
For over 35 years now, Ann’s been teaching this practical, revolutionary process to people all over the world. With her on-demand course, you get the benefit of Ann’s expertise and the chance to practice the simple, yet revolutionary process of Focusing with her gentle, compassionate guidance.

Begin Your Journey Toward a New Relationship with Pain
I can help you learn how to…
How This Course Works

Be Supported In Your Process!
You won’t be going it alone! You’ll have access to a forum to chat with other students, plus access to Ann for parts where you might feel stuck.

Available at Your Convenience!
You can move through this course as quickly or slowly as you like. You’ll also have lifetime access to the material, so you can revisit it anytime

Interactive Materials
This course includes a beautiful PDF workbook to help you integrate your learning. There will also be checkpoints during the course to check-in on your progress.