Are you ready to Shift Your Tangles?

We’re here to help. Let’s get started!

Ann and Barbara

Ann Weiser Cornell + Barbara McGavin

Watch the Videos

Want to know more?
Join us for a live webinar…

Join Ann and Barbara for a free live 90-minute webinar called The Five Powers of Untangling: Why Life Gets So Stuck and How that Can Change.

  • Discover how Tangles form, why they get so stuck and how even the most snarled up Tangle can change—no matter how long ago it formed
  • Learn about the Five Powers of Presence that create the environment that make Untangling possible
  • Experience what happens when you relate to the Parts in your Tangle in a really different way

We’ll also talk about our yearlong course, Getting Free, and our in-person 6-day Untangling retreats—just two of the ways you can venture forward in your own Untangling® journey.

Registered participants will receive a recording to watch at your convenience.

The Five Powers of Untangling

March 26, 2024

10am – 11:30am Pacific   |   1pm – 2:30pm Eastern   |   5pm – 6:30pm London 

See in your timezone 

Let Us Know What You’re Discovering About Your Tangle…

And anything else you’d like to share, including any questions you might have.


  1. After watching the three videos, I realized that I have been carrying a big tangle in myself for the past 12 years.
    I have looked for every possible way, every possible help and nothing seems to help me,
    I have put all my energy, all my will, during these twelve long years and unfortunately I am still the same, stuck, I do not advance in my process. What deep and adverse forces emerge after doing the exercises, so many parts of me misunderstood and each one fighting separately to try to save me. Sometimes I feel something in me that is exhausted and wants to stop looking for my well being and I say hello. Something in me says that complicated minds are doomed to have complicated problems, tangles. Something in me says I wish I didn’t question everything, that I was more ignorant, and I wouldn’t have tangles. Knowing that there is a way to perform the untangle gives me a glimmer of hope, after so many years of searching in the darkness. Something in me says, this is the path to live freely and completely.
    Thank you Barbara and Ann

    1. Esthela, I’m so glad to hear there is a glimmer of hope now. There IS hope. Tangles are hard, and you have described yours so eloquently. You are not alone, and there is hope.

  2. Thank you Barbara and Ann. Your guidance and teaching over the years has been so important for me. …… My tangle, involving aspects of me that intersect with the care and support needed by my autistic adult son, is still there. But, it is clearer and less confusing and less panic driven that I am going to die before he is “safe”. It all leads to some deep core. The story (and relationships therein) continues to unfold! Your support via your teachings has been invaluable in this process for me.

  3. Thank you both. One of the fine resourses is your videos & webinar..
    It. was especially helpful to recognise the pale blue energy emptiness around my spleen area, to acknowledge it as a Something, & that Something to Anxiety.. I stayed with it a while after the video & saw that Emptiness, in the sense of vacuum, was causing the anxiety & the pale blue energy, & incidentally making me want to eat all the time.. It also showed my blocking possibilities, in a familiar image that I have not related here… so thank you. The anxiety is still with me, but I now can say hallo to it..
    you asked for website, I have put on my business web, the one we have just closed, leaving a vacuum of demand & a vacuum of salary… which is bringing back the sense that I cannot make the things I really want to do to come about … so back to self 8n presence xxx

    1. Hajah, so good to hear that you were able to recognize something that was a pale blue energy, a sense of vacuum, and relate to that part of you in a new way. How lovely!

  4. Debbie, it sounds like you already have a deepening relationship with the different parts in your Tangle… and you are feeling some of the benefits of that… great! Keep going!

  5. My tangle has been there FOREVER-or at least as long as I can remember! It does have different aspects that show up, though it appears I have a somewhat limited view/recognition/understanding/appreciation of the various aspects working together. They all seem to point to the deep place of not wanting to be alone, being afraid of being alone, and doing (or not doing!) a variety of things to not peek at/get close to/be with that place. I do get caught in the dynamic between them……it feels I live there most of the time. It is tangled up with the very real need of being the primary advocate for my adult son with ASD. I been aware of that for quite a while and do feel more “aha-s” fall into place at an accelerated place relative to that connection. This has the wonderful benefit of releasing him in a healthy way. And there is more…… Anyway, I look forward to the next video. Thank you Barbara and Ann so much!

  6. This is a good reminder of just how important Resourcing is to the process. It has encouraged me to start identifying and implementing more of the resources that have nurtured me in the past. It is far too easy to get caught up in the “busy-ness” and the “have-tos” of the day, and not allow enough time for things that bring a sense of joy, peace, or security. Thanks for the reminders, Ann and Barbara!

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