SiP and Parts Affiliate Copy and Images

Self-in-Presence… And Parts On-Demand Course: Pre-Written Copy Just For You

Whenever you’re using our pre-written copy, remember in all cases to include your affiliate links! You can find them in your Affiliate Partner Account just by logging in.

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Without your affiliate links, your customers won’t find our products and you won’t get your commission. We want to pay you, so please be sure to include them every time.

Pro Tip:

We recommend using to shorten your affiliate links before you add them to any Facebook posts or Tweets. If you sign up for a bitly account, there are all kinds of tools you can use to track engagement with the links you post. Be sure to check them out.

Using Our Copy:

The email, Facebook, and Twitter copy here are just suggestions for your convenience. Please feel free to adapt them so they are genuinely your own voice and your own opinions.

>> Return to the main Resources Page.

The copy below is great for Facebook. You can also use it if you want to include us in a regular newsletter that goes out to your list without taking up as much space as our solo email copy.

*Remember to include your affiliate URL and to shorten it with (or your preferred service).

Option 1:

“Who you really are in your deepest self is not your trouble, not your hurt, not your distress. Who you really are is calm, strong, compassionate Presence.” – Ann Weiser Cornell

Learn how to nourish your ability to be resilient and calm no matter what life throws at you. Because when you can be calm and steady, everything in life gets easier. Get started with Ann Weiser Cornell’s on-demand course, Self-in-Presence…and Parts, here: INSERT LINK

Option 2:

“…I am large, I contain multitudes.” – Walt Whitman

Whitman was right, we all contain multitudes (or Parts). And it isn’t easy to be at peace with our multitudes. It’s much more likely to decide some of the ways you think or feel aren’t okay (like feeling explosively angry when triggered). Yet it’s possible to learn to be present to all your Parts with compassion and self-acceptance (yep, even the explosively angry Parts). Self-acceptance helps you embrace your Parts instead of feeling bad (or wrong) about how you feel or what you did. If you’d like to create more self-acceptance in your life, check out Ann Weiser Cornell’s on-demand course, Self-in-Presence…and Parts. Get started here: INSERT LINK

Here are some great soundbites you can use to get traction on Twitter. Character count included at the end of each option below.

  • You are not your trouble, your hurt, or your distress. At your core, you are calm, strong, compassionate Presence. Learn how to develop that state of Presence here. [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK] (163 characters)
  • Does daily life feel harder because of stressful emotions? Nourish your ability to be resilient and calm no matter what so that everything in life gets easier. Get started here… [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK] (179 characters)
  • Would you like to have a daily practice that nourishes your ability to be calm and steady in the midst of stress? Learn how you can be calm and steady no matter what… [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK](168 characters)

*Be sure to insert your affiliate URL at the end of your tweet (shorten it with first).

Subject lines can make the difference between an opened email and one that’s left out in the cold. Here are some we’ve crafted to help you warm up your open rates:

  • Do you ever say things that don’t even sound like you?
  • Do you get hijacked by your feelings?
  • Do Parts of you take over?

Pre-written email copy:

Triggered emotions can really knock you over. Suddenly you’re doing and saying things you just never imagined you’d do or say. And if you don’t know how to move back into a calmer, more resourced place, it’s easy to get stuck in patterns that make life harder than it has to be.

Here’s a story Ann shares about her experience you might find useful:

When I confronted my teenage daughter over how late she had stayed out one night and she pushed back at me, saying I didn’t have a right to tell her what to do… I couldn’t believe the language that came out of my mouth.

It was as if kind, gentle me had been taken over by aliens!

But actually, I had been taken over by a part of me. A part that felt terribly concerned about her and unbearably helpless to keep her safe. And before I could think, words like “You are thoughtless and inconsiderate!” were coming out of my mouth.

My daughter and I managed to get through those stressful times. But I learned a big lesson about the power of our frightened and anxious parts. They really can and do take us over.

I don’t respond like this anymore. When parts of me get anxious, I turn toward them. I acknowledge them. I keep my cool and things don’t escalate. I call this choosing Presence rather than Partiality.

It’s natural to have “parts.” When you get triggered in stressful times, anxious and worried parts do come up. But they don’t have to take you over. They don’t have to be in the driver’s seat.

If you’d like to learn how to choose Presence when your Parts are stirred up, join Ann for Self-in-Presence…and Parts. It’s an on-demand course that teaches you how to live from your calm center instead of from your Parts.




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  • In Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome, right click the image and select “Save Image As…” from the menu.
  • In the dialog box that pops up, choose where you would like to save the file on your computer.

If you are using a Mac:

  • In Safari, Chrome or Firefox, right click on the image. Select “Save Image As…” from the menu.
  • In the dialog box that pops up, choose where you would like to save the file on your computer.