Urge to Indulge On-Demand Course Affiliate Copy and Images

The Urge to Indulge On-Demand Course: Pre-Written Copy Just For You

Whenever you’re using our pre-written copy, remember in all cases to include your affiliate links! You can find them in your Affiliate Partner Account just by logging in.

Why Affiliate Links? 

Without your affiliate links, your customers won’t find our products and you won’t get your commission. We want to pay you, so please be sure to include them every time.

Pro Tip:

We recommend using bitly.com to shorten your affiliate links before you add them to any Facebook posts or Tweets. If you sign up for a bitly account, there are all kinds of tools you can use to track engagement with the links you post. Be sure to check them out.

Using Our Copy:

The email, Facebook, and Twitter copy here are just suggestions for your convenience. Please feel free to adapt them so they are genuinely your own voice and your own opinions.

>> Return to the main Resources Page.

The copy below is great for Facebook. You can also use it if you want to include us in a regular newsletter that goes out to your list without taking up as much space as our solo email copy.

*Remember to include your affiliate URL and to shorten it with bitly.com (or your preferred service).

Option 1:

Do you soothe yourself with unhealthy habits? Learn how to transform unhealthy behaviors without evoking shame or self-blame. Whether it’s wasting time on the internet, tuning out with the TV, drinking away the night, or eating to avoid your feelings. Discover how to change your habits gently (and in a way that works). Click here to get started: INSERT LINK

Option 2:

Ever promise yourself you were never going to _____ again? And then find yourself doing it? If you have, then you’ve probably also fallen victim to an inner critic attack that calls you names for being “weak” and giving in to temptation. Once that happens, it’s easy to go into the downhill slide of, “I might as well do it some more because I’ve totally blown it anyway!”

Despite careful plans and good intentions, the urge to indulge can hijack you into doing something you’re sorry for later. That plus self-blame and criticism can become a vicious cycle of unhealthy behavior and painful feelings.

If you’d like to learn some ways to stay present when the temptation to soothe yourself with unhealthy habits comes up (without activating shame or self-blame), check out Ann Weiser Cornell’s online course, The Urge to Indulge. It’ll teach you how to transform old patterns with compassion and gentleness in a way that sticks. Click here to get started: INSERT LINK

Here are some great soundbites you can use to get traction on Twitter. Character count included at the end of each option below.

  • Transform habits you’d like to change without evoking shame and self-criticism. Learn how here. INSERT LINK (83 characters)
  • What if you could consistently identify what you really need so you could stop the urge to indulge before you acted on it? INSERT LINK (122 characters)
  • Do you soothe yourself with unhealthy habits? Learn how to finally stop. INSERT LINK ( 72  characters)
  • I used to get stuck in the vicious cycle of being hijacked by the urge to indulge and blaming myself after. Learn how I stopped here. INSERT LINK (133 characters)

*Be sure to insert your affiliate URL at the end of your tweet (shorten it with bitly.com first).

Subject lines can make the difference between an opened email and one that’s left out in the cold. Here are some we’ve crafted to help you warm up your open rates:

  • Learn how to give yourself what you really need (hint: it’s not the chocolate)
  • Change old habits without self-blame and criticism (yes, it’s possible)
  • Ever been hijacked by the urge to indulge? Get help here…
  • Telling yourself ‘not to’ doesn’t work. Learn how to transform old habits for good

Pre-written email copy:

“I deserve something nice today.”

Have you ever told yourself that as you reach for the chocolate you promised yourself you wouldn’t eat just yesterday?

It happens, especially when you’re tired, irritated, sad, or bored. And I bet later on there’s a part of you that beats you up for being “weak” and giving in to temptation… again.

Maybe it’s not chocolate you reach for. Maybe it’s wine, the remote control, or the bedcovers.

Here’s the thing… The urge to indulge is strong and that’s because there’s a deep wanting beneath the surface — usually something that’s got nothing to do with the chocolate or the TV or your bed.

What if you could consistently, reliably find out what that wanted feeling is so you could give yourself what you truly need?

I found a course that teaches you just how to do it. It’s called The Urge to Indulge by Ann Weiser Cornell.

Ann created The Urge to Indulge to help you discover what’s really going on beneath the compulsive habits that keep you riding the seesaw of over-indulgence and self-blame.

If you’d like to learn how to change challenging habits with self-compassion and gentleness, without evoking shame or critical internal voices, this is the way to do it.




Pro tip: If you grok buttons, use ‘em. Just edit the last paragraph to use a button instead of a link.

Pre-written email copy:

Did you know there’s a good reason why unhealthy habits are hard to kick?

In nearly every unhealthy habit, there’s an inner war – a struggle between the part of you that wants to eat the cookie or mindlessly watch TV for 6 hours and the part of you that tells you, “You’re a loser,” (or worse) when you do it.

Getting stuck between warring parts is hard and it can keep you engaging in unhealthy behaviors a lot longer than you’d like to. It can also make change feel impossible.

The good news? There’s a way to step outside the inner war. You can learn how to do it with Ann Weiser Cornell’s on-demand course, The Urge to Indulge.

In the course you’ll learn:

  • why over-indulging happens to you and how you can actually transform the behaviors for good
  • how easy it is to get taken over and take action, then lose hours or days to the wave of shame and self-blame that comes after the fact
  • why indulgence is often about the struggle to “not feel”
  • how to be with challenging feelings so the urge to indulge actually lessens.

If you’ve been struggling with unhealthy habits and you’d like to live a more peaceful, empowered life, get started here [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK SHORTENED WITH BITLY]



Pro tip: If you grok buttons, use ‘em. Just edit the last paragraph to use a button instead of a link.

Images for Your Emails, Website & More

Download any of the images below and use them as visual content in your email, newsletter, Facebook posts, or even as small ads or banners on your website.

How to Download Images to Your PC or Mac

If you are using a PC:

  • In Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome, right click the image and select “Save Image As…” from the menu.
  • In the dialog box that pops up, choose where you would like to save the file on your computer.

If you are using a Mac:

  • In Safari, Chrome or Firefox, right click on the image. Select “Save Image As…” from the menu.
  • In the dialog box that pops up, choose where you would like to save the file on your computer.

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