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You Can’t Run on Empty: Create More Rest & Self-Care in 21 Days: Pre-Written Copy Just For You

Whenever you’re using our pre-written copy, remember in all cases to include your affiliate links! You can find them in your Affiliate Partner Account just by logging in.

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Without your affiliate links, your customers won’t find our products and you won’t get your commission. We want to pay you, so please be sure to include them every time.

Pro Tip:

We recommend using bitly.com to shorten your affiliate links before you add them to any Facebook posts or Tweets. If you sign up for a bitly account, there are all kinds of tools you can use to track engagement with the links you post. Be sure to check them out.

Using Our Copy:

The email, Facebook, and Twitter copy here are just suggestions for your convenience. Please feel free to adapt them so they are genuinely your own voice and your own opinions.

>> Return to the main Resources Page.

The copy below is great for Facebook. You can also use it if you want to include us in a regular newsletter that goes out to your list without taking up as much space as our solo email copy.

*Remember to include your affiliate URL and to shorten it with bitly.com (or your preferred service).

Option 1:

(if you’ve taken the course)

Identifying what I need and giving it to myself hasn’t always come easy to me. One thing that really helped was Ann Weiser Cornell’s online course, You Can’t Run on Empty. It’s a 21-day course about self-care that helped me notice and gently shift the resistance I felt toward rest and self-care. I learned useful (and easy) practices to sense into what I need in any moment (especially the stressful ones where I used to throw my well-being out the window). If you struggle with feeling guilty for putting yourself first, aren’t sure what you need, or if self-care just feels like one more thing you have to do, this course can turn that around for you! Find out how to create small, sustainable changes so you can live a more well-rested, self-loving life, click here: INSERT LINK

Option 2:

Self-care isn’t just about finding ways to unwind. It’s about taking care of your well-being at every level. Yet, prioritizing self-care can be hard, especially if you’ve heard it’s selfish. And when you’re really running on empty, it’s even harder because you don’t have the energy or clarity to figure out what self-care even looks like. But there is an easy way to give yourself micro-moments of inner rest throughout your day. Let me introduce you to You Can’t Run on Empty: Create More Rest & Self-Care in 21 Days. It’s a powerful online course you can take on your own schedule in just minutes a day. You get an immediate sense of relaxation and a daily invitation to identify what you need so you can start giving it to yourself (without turning self-care into a chore!). Get started here: INSERT LINK

Here are some great soundbites you can use to get traction on Twitter. Character count included at the end of each option below.

  • Struggle with self-care? Learn how you can create the small, sustainable changes to take care of your well-being at every level – mind, body, emotions, spirit, and relationships.[INSERT AFFILIATE LINK] (178 characters)
  • Self-care isn’t just about finding ways to unwind. It’s about taking care of your well-being at every level – mind, body, emotions, spirit, and relationships. Revitalize your self-care today:[INSERT AFFILIATE LINK] (192 characters)
  • Self-care is the secret to a happier life. When you feel resourced, you’re more resilient. Your relationships get stronger. You’re productive (without the exhaustion). Become the best version of you: [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK](200 characters)

*Be sure to insert your affiliate URL at the end of your tweet (shorten it with bitly.com first).

Subject lines can make the difference between an opened email and one that’s left out in the cold. Here are some we’ve crafted to help you warm up your open rates:

  • Are you too busy to take care of yourself?
  • Can small moments of self-care really make a big difference?
  • Is it hard to switch off and give yourself the rest you need?

Pre-written email copy:

If you feel like life is moving too fast for you to spend some time recharging, you’re not alone.

60% of U.S. adults say they’re sometimes too busy to enjoy life. 18% say they always feel rushed.

The cost for all this busyness? Well, it affects our ability to switch off, raises stress levels, and negatively impacts getting a good night’s sleep.

As someone who’s interested in personal growth, you already know these costs affect your quality of life – how happy you are, how confident you feel, and what seems possible for you on any given day.

So, how do you unplug from overdoing it?

Let’s talk about what my Focusing teacher, Ann Weiser Cornell, refers to as the power of starting small. Sometimes small changes are all you have space for, yet it can be easy to dismiss them. “If I just change this one little thing it’s not really going to have an impact.” But making small changes adds up over time.

Here’s an exercise from Ann to help you sense one small change that would be right for you today. It’s called ‘“Sensing the Next Right Step For You”:

      • Start by pausing… and just take a breath.
      • Bring awareness to your body right now.
      • Notice how you’re sitting… and how your body feels.
      • And let yourself take a deeper breath.
      • Now ask yourself: “What is one small easy thing I can do for myself today?”
      • Like maybe massaging your neck and shoulders right now.
      • Or standing up and getting a drink of water.
      • Or looking out the window at something nice.
      • Or… what would it be for you?

Remember, good self-care is a practice. It’s not a one-and-done. It also doesn’t have to be big, extravagant, or detract from your time with family and friends. Effective self-care is something you can do in a few moments to give yourself a little boost and it can even involve other people! And when you take that time for yourself, you’ll be amazed at how much better you’ll feel.

If you’d like even more support, join Ann Weiser Cornell for You Can’t Run on Empty: Create More Rest & Self-Care in 21 Days. You’ll get 21 practices plus a whole lot of help getting started (or expanding your current self-care routines). 

BUTTON: Start Taking Small, Sustainable Steps Toward Better Self-Care (INSERT AFFILIATE LINK)



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  • In Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome, right click the image and select “Save Image As…” from the menu.
  • In the dialog box that pops up, choose where you would like to save the file on your computer.

If you are using a Mac:

  • In Safari, Chrome or Firefox, right click on the image. Select “Save Image As…” from the menu.
  • In the dialog box that pops up, choose where you would like to save the file on your computer.