Focusing Tip #449

“Vicarious trauma comes from engaging deeply with those who have experienced trauma.”

Lynn writes:
I work in peace and justice, with a focus recently on Palestine/Israel.

There is a vicarious trauma that comes as a result of engaging deeply with others who have experienced trauma. For me it’s especially difficult when they do not have a way out (as is the case for Palestinians living in Gaza).

I have a friend who works with with survivors of torture and others work with domestic violence, or in medically challenging situations such as the ER or trauma units, dialysis, hospice, etc.

Do you have thoughts on how to work with vicarious trauma through Focusing?

Dear Lynn,
I’m feeling grateful to you and all of those who give their time and energy to those who have suffered may still be suffering trauma and other hardships.

It’s so important for the caregivers to have something like Focusing so that you can get your own support and replenishment.

Even pausing to acknowledge to yourself, “This is hard for me,” or “This is really a lot to take in,” is already a big step. And so many don’t even take that step of pausing, perhaps for fear that if they pause at all, the work won’t get done. (And of course if you burn out, the work also won’t get done.)

Then, when you have more quiet time you can spend time gently turning toward the parts of you that are stirred up by the stories and circumstances of the people are in contact with. Your body knows that what has happened to them is wrong — to say this is not to blame anyone, but to recognize the fundamental need of any living creature to be able to thrive. And it’s very natural to feel anger, horror, shock, grief…all of which need a space and a time to be felt.

Feeling yourself as grounded Self-in-Presence, you are providing the space for those feelings in you that need to be felt and acknowledged. And of course that includes parts of us that feel overwhelmed and powerless. Let them know you hear them.

You will have more room then for turning back to those you are helping, with fresh energy and the intention that they too can make an inner space for what they feel.

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