Facing the dark to act with strength and clarity.

Dear Focusing Friends,

I awoke this morning to a different world than I had hoped. I am keeping company with feelings of great disappointment and great worry.

And I am more determined than ever to spread the message of Focusing.

Because more than ever now we need to be able to face what is dark and difficult – in ourselves and in others – so we can act with strength and clarity when action is needed, and pause to reflect when reflection is needed.

We need to have compassion for the pain and anger that have given us such a divided world, without falling into reactive states of blaming or despair.

We need to cherish the sparks of potential and possibility in everyone and in every situation, while at the same time seeing clearly what is in front of us.

We need to remember that every part of us is trying to save us, and that inclusion is a more powerful force – in the long run – than exclusion.

We need to be aware that all forms of violence have their roots in fear, and that we can strive to give company to our own fearful parts as we join with others to speak and act toward a world of less violence and dominance.

Above all we need to remember to remain curious.

And here is this week’s Tip:

When I become depressed in challenging times, I check whether there is something that I am telling myself something is certain to be true in the future. 

For example: “Women’s rights will be set back fifty years.”

Then I acknowledge the part of me that is fearing that, as in: “I am acknowledging that something in me fears that women’s rights will be set back fifty years.” (And there are many other fears this morning!)

When I turn the statement about certain catastrophe into an acknowledgement of fear, I know I am bigger than the fearful part. I feel stronger and clearer. I am better able to look for opportunities to act and speak out. Depression becomes determination.

Dear friends, let us be strong and clear and curious together. We need Focusing and we need each other now more than ever.

Do write and tell me how you are today.


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