In tough times it's even more important to be grateful...

In tough times it’s even more important to be grateful. Read on…

Dear Readers:

We’re living in tough times, aren’t we.

And even though vaccines are on the horizon, right now living in a pandemic is tougher than ever, with cases up, hospitals overloaded, anxiety and stress skyrocketing.

Let’s take a moment to acknowledge all that. When things are not easy, it’s important to say so. To pause, put your hand on your heart, and say, “Wow, this is hard.”

At least you can be gentle with yourself, and not make it harder by believing that inner voice that says you “should” be doing better with all this.

Hey, you’re actually doing quite well! And it’s a great moment to pause and appreciate that.

In the US, we have a holiday this week that’s about being grateful. I think that’s pretty cool. A whole national holiday for giving thanks.

It’s perfect timing, because right now I think all of us could benefit from a good dose of gratitude.

We could start with the health care workers, the nurses and doctors and hospital staff who keep on going to work in heartbreaking conditions. And go on to the other essential workers, the farmers and truck drivers and grocery store workers who make food possible for us. Workers in pharmacies… gas stations… so many people who show up to work so that I can stay home and be safe.

And what are you grateful for about yourself? You’ve been creative… you’ve found ways to connect with others even though it’s been hard… you have resilience and determination… I’m sure of it.

So just take a moment to pause and appreciate — yourself. And feel that in your body. You can do this. You already are.

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