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“How can I manage this overwhelm of emotions when pain catches me?”

What if you have to stay immobile and your emotions are overwhelming? Read on…

Gloria writes:

I had a small accident, and I have a sprain. I can’t move and it’s been more than 10 days now. It’s becoming very painful, and there is something in me with frustration, sadness, anger… How can I manage this overwhelm of emotions when pain catches me?

Dear Gloria:

I’m so sorry you are having to go through that! You have to be immobile, and you’re in pain. And you have all kinds of emotions about that — of course

The best way I know to manage the overwhelm of emotions is to be kind to yourself. Here’s how to create a loving relationship with your own emotions…

Use this language:

“I am sensing something in me feels frustrated… and I am saying Hello to that.”

You can repeat this with the other emotions you’re feeling, so you find yourself saying Hello to each one.

As you do this, you might notice what you’re feeling in your body. Maybe frustration feels like a tightness in your shoulders. Maybe sadness feels like a heaviness in your heart. Those are just examples. Sense how it is for you.

If you do feel something in your body, you can let a gentle hand go there. As if with your hand you are saying, “I am here with you now.”

And then there is the pain itself. It too is something that needs your kindness. It isn’t trying to hurt you. It’s a part of your body that is suffering too.

You might put your hand on your heart, and be gentle with the one in you who is suffering. Say something like, “I know this is really hard, my dear.”

Think of your emotions — including your pain — as children who are trying to get your attention. It’s a beautiful opportunity to send love to yourself. You could emerge from this time of recovery as an even more self-loving person. What a beautiful opportunity!

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