Focusing Tip #292 – My Felt Sense Goes Away
“I get a felt sense but it goes away after about a second.” Magdalene writes: “I am writing because I need advice…
“I get a felt sense but it goes away after about a second.” Magdalene writes: “I am writing because I need advice…
“How can Self-in-Presence be lacking? Isn’t Self-in-Presence always here?” Deborah writes: “In the last Weekly Tips you wrote ‘because Self-in-Presence is lacking’……
“What’s wrong with me? I can’t seem to create the life I want.” Katherine writes:“I’m hoping you can help with something that…
“Focusing makes it MORE difficult to communicate with other people.” Noa writes: “It seems that the more I do Focusing, the more…
“Saying ‘I’m sensing something in me that’s pressing’ didn’t work.” Ina writes: “Today I tried to do Focusing. ‘What’s the point?’ was…
“The parts do not trust the reassurances of Self-in-Presence.” Susan writes: “I’m stuck at the end of some difficult Focusing sessions with…
Even more on feeling the feelings of the person you’re Focusing with Last week’s Tip and the one the week before, on…
More on feeling the feelings of the person you’re Focusing with Last week we heard from Vonna, who wrote: “When the person…
“I take on the feelings of the person I’m Focusing with.” Vonna writes: “My Focusing is going OK, but I have a…
“I don’t like it when someone reflects back what I’m saying.” Robin writes: “I’m in the fourth week of a Path to…
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The intention of Focusing Resources is to meaningfully contribute to personal, community, and global emotional health, with the understanding that positive emotional health impacts how fairly we treat each other, how well and quickly we recover from stress and trauma, and how wisely and collaboratively we meet the serious challenges we are all facing.
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©2024 Focusing Resources, Inc. Photos of Ann and Barbara by: In Her Image Photography & Cia Gould