November 30 2010 – Tip #256
“Something is afraid I’ll make a really bad choice…” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Megan writes: “My Focusing question has to do with really big decisions….
“Something is afraid I’ll make a really bad choice…” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Megan writes: “My Focusing question has to do with really big decisions….
“What do I do about a part that doesn’t want anything or anyone?” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Masha writes: “Sometimes I feel a part of…
“I hated it when someone reflected my words back to me.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Reader writes: “I went to therapy on and off…
“My dad was insensitive and I want to let go of being annoyed.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Reader writes: “Is there a way Focusing…
A Reader writes: “The other day I was Focusing with someone and her inner critic was overpowering her. It was a figure…
“Is Focusing enough?” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debbie writes: “Is Focusing enough? I am struggling with pretty much all areas of my life – job,…
“My Focusing partner isn’t Focusing…” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debbie writes: “I have a partner who I focus with. She has a tendency to talk…
“Would you see Anorexia as an Inner Critic?” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Reader writes: “I have an inner critic question — or is it…
“Can I focus with my life partner during a relationship crisis?” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boris writes: “How useful is it to focus with your…
How change happens from “just” being with it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gonçalo writes: “In this last weekly tip -#246- you touched something that I…
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The intention of Focusing Resources is to meaningfully contribute to personal, community, and global emotional health, with the understanding that positive emotional health impacts how fairly we treat each other, how well and quickly we recover from stress and trauma, and how wisely and collaboratively we meet the serious challenges we are all facing.
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©2024 Focusing Resources, Inc. Photos of Ann and Barbara by: In Her Image Photography & Cia Gould