Back Issues of The Focusing Connection

May 2013 was our last issue of The Focusing Connection newsletter. Subscriptions are no longer available, however all of our back issues can be downloaded as digital PDFs.
Below is a complete list of available back issues. All are available for download.
March 1984 (Vol. I, No. 1) “Honoring the Body: Staying in the Cleared Space” by D. Fisch. “Imagery and Focusing” by E. Gendlin. “‘Can You Take Those Inside and See What They Would Be Like in Your Body?'” by B. Simon. “Some Thoughts on Images as Handles” by D. Young.
May 1984 (Vol. I, No. 2) “A Small Community of Friends” by K. McGuire. “The Center for Building Supportive Community” by C. Kane. “On the Clear Space and Helping Someone Get a Felt Sense” by M. McGuire. “Focusing, Politics, and Changes” by A. Weiser.
July 1984 (Vol. I, No. 3) “Focusing with a Tree” by J. Batt. “Focusing in Mexico City” by R. Blanco. “A Course on Focusing and Prayer” by L. Brunswick. “On Asking” an interview with E. Hinterkopf.
September 1984 (Vol. I, No. 4 ) “On Building a Focusing Community” by K. McGuire. “Focusing on the Good” by B. Simon. “Some Thoughts on Guiding” by A. Weiser. Notes from the Chicago Focusing/Guiding Workshop from: R. Bernstein, B. Simon, M. McGuire, S. Kozlowski, P. Sella.
November 1984 (Vol. I, No. 5) “Putting a Priority on Teaching Focusing” by L. Brunswick. “Getting a Felt Sense” by D. Fisch. “Humor, Love, Spirituality-and the Middle Ground” by L. Lukens. “The Language of Guiding” by A. Weiser.
January 1985 (Vol. II, No. 1) “On Transpersonal Focusing” by J. Batt. “How I Teach People to Identify the Critic” by E. Hinterkopf. “News from Focusing Forum: Digests of Articles” by A. Ikemi and S. Murayama.
March 1985 (Vol. II, No. 2) “Friendly Relations with the Critic” by D. Graessner. “Dealing with the Critic” by E. Hinterkopf. “The Critic: A Despairing, Unattended Felt Sense” by J. Lowell. “More on the Critic and Other Parental Voices” by B. Simon.
May 1985 (Vol. II, No. 3) “Focusing and Bodywork” by N. Friedman and L. Rappaport. “Switching Channels: One Approach to the Critic” by G. Saucier. “Is There a Critic?” by D. Young.
July 1985 (Vol. II, No. 4) “Some Suggestions for Couples or Friends Who Focus” by J. and K. Amodeo. “The Mystique of the Big Shift” by R. Bernstein. “The Tokyo Focusing Study Circle” by K. Shiraiwa and S. Inouie. “Book Review: Bio-Spirituality: Focusing as a Way to Grow by P. Campbell and E. McMahon,” by L. Teasley. Report: “Focusing and Cancer Study.”
September 1985 (Vol. II, No. 5) “Focusing, Philosophy, and Social Change” by L. Brunswick. “Taking Responsibility for the Critic” by D. Fisch. “Report from a Focusing and Spirituality Workshop” by J. Tein. “Focusing with a Friend” by A.Weiser.
November 1985 (Vol. II, No. 6) “Book Review: Patterns of Change, ed. Laura Rice and Leslie Greenberg” by K. McGuire. “Book Review: The Brilliant Function of Pain by Milton Ward” by J. Tein. “The Problems of Getting Better: What Do I Do With My Old Self?” by A. Weiser.
January 1986 (Vol. III, No. 1) “Being With the Dark Place” by R. Bernstein. “Living from the Cleared Space” by D. Fisch. “There is a Place…” by C. Kraft.
March 1986 (Vol. III, No. 2) “Teaching Clearing a Space to Elementary School Students” by S. Murayama. “Book Review: Let Your Body Interpret Your Dreams by Eugene Gendlin” by A. Weiser. “Why I Don’t Clear Space” by D. Young.
May 1986 (Vol. III, No. 3) “On Making a Space with a Positive Quality” by C. Alemany. “The Fearsome Critic is a Panicking Child: Notes on the Critic and Projection Awareness” by J. Batt. “Focusing and Vulnerability” by B. Davenport. “Protocol for Focusing on a Positive Quality” by D. Fisch.
July 1986 (Vol. III, No. 4) “The Common Ground: Let Your Process Be Your Guide” by D. Fisch. “An Example of Focusing” by N. Friedman. “News and Views from Bath, England,” by B. and B. McGavin-Edwards.
September 1986 (Vol. III, No. 5) “A Focusing Training Group” by J. and K. Amodeo. “A Focusing/Dream Workshop” by D. Graessner. “Working with a ‘Frozen Whole Structure'” by B. Santen. “Focusing with Pain” by J. Tein.
November 1986 (Vol. III, No. 6) “Is It Okay to Be with This?” by J. and K. Amodeo. “About Not Rushing to Fix It” by R. Bernstein. “Unfolding: The Zen of Focusing” by D. Fisch. “Complementarity in Focusing” by G. Saucier.
January 1987 (Vol. IV, No. 1) “Reflections on Dorothy Fisch’s ‘The Zen of Focusing'” by E. McMahon. “Giving the Ending a Chance” by B. Simon.
March 1987 (Vol. IV, No. 2) “Holding Onto New Awareness” by M. Armstrong. “Book Review: Books on Body Therapies” by N. Friedman. “A Dream Class with Focusing” by L. Lukens.
May 1987 (Vol. IV, No. 3) “The Hardest Thing…” by D. Fisch. “The Place That Gets Stuck” by C. Kraft. “Using Focusing Questions with Felt-Sense Connected Imagery” by S. Lutgendorf. “Explaining Focusing: When Metaphors Won’t Do” by A. Weiser.
July 1987 (Vol. IV, No. 4) “The Future of Focusing” by J. and K. Amodeo. “Focusing on Childhood” by A. Weiser.
September 1987 (Vol. IV, No. 5) “When the Guide Gets Hooked” by R. Bernstein. “Being Kind to the Place in You that Wants to Rush in and Fix It” by B. Jaison. “And Then the Pain Went Away…” by S. Marten.
November 1987 (Vol. IV, No. 6) “A Dream Afraid of Waking” by D. Fisch. “Clearing a Shuttered Space” by J. Lowell. “Three Questions on How We Think About Focusing” by G. Saucier. “What If You Are Stuck…” by B. Simon
January 1988 (Vol. V, No. 1) “The Use of a Focusing Exercise as an Emergency Intervention” by S. Lutgendorf. “Using NLP with Focusing: An Example” by D. Young.
March 1988 (Vol. V, No. 2) “Getting the Right Distance” by M. Armstrong. “The Day My Critic Turned Helpful” by J. Hart. “Good Friday: Focusing on Suffering” by A. Herpst. “Tape Review: Focusing: Unlocking Your Body’s Wisdom by Dawn George” by A. Weiser.
May 1988 (Vol. V, No. 3) “Focusing and Art Therapy” by L. Rappaport Friedman.
July 1988 (Vol. V, No. 4) “Benefits of Focusing” by N. Friedman. “Focusing with Tension and Guilt: An Example” by C. Kraft. “Rainbows and Dinosaurs: Focusing on Positive Qualities with a Child” by D. Marder. “Focusing with a Tape Recorder” by M. Watson.
September 1988 (Vol. V, No. 5) “That Poor Frog! Focusing Combined with Writing to Help Unravel a Dream” by J. Hart. “Some Thoughts on Using Focusing in Psychotherapy” by A. Herpst. “Massage and Focusing” by R. Levin. “More Benefits of Focusing: A Stronger Link Between Body and Mind” by J. Stetson.
November 1988 (Vol. V, No. 6) “Focusing and Divorce Mediation” by R. Arkiss. “First-Thing-in-the-Morning Focusing” by M. Armstrong. “The Man Who Never Said What It Was About” by N. Friedman. “Some Further Thoughts on Rushing in to Fix It” by B. Jaison. “Tape Review: Gendlin Working with Dreams” by L. Lukens. “Drawing the Felt Sense as a Way of Being With Overwhelming Feelings” by S. Lutgendorf.
January 1989 (Vol. VI, No. 1) “Is the Cleared Space What’s ‘Spiritual’ About Focusing?” by P. Campbell. “How a Knowledge of Focusing Improves Your Doing Psychotherapy” by E. Hinterkopf. “Thoughts on Some Attributes and Benefits of Focusing” by L. Manley. “Focusing with a Listener” by A. Weiser. “Tape Review: A Guided Experience Through the Six Steps of Focusing by Bala Jaison” by A. Weiser.
March 1989 (Vol. VI, No. 2) Conference Report: International Conference on Client-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy, Belgium, September 1988, by C. Alemany. “Right Brain/Left Brain Dialogue” by D. Griffin. “Similarities Between Focusing and Meditation” by A. Herpst. “A Ghost in the Attic: Focusing on ‘Procrastination'” by C. Kraft. “The Caring Presence: For People Who Find It Difficult to Focus Alone” by E. McMahon.
May 1989 (Vol. VI, No. 3) “Is the So-Called Critic a Hidden Door to Our Experience?” by P. Levy. “On Going to the Other Side of the Dream Scene: A New Dreamwork Question” by L. Lukens. “Tape Review: The Mythic Journey Process with Michael Mayer” by S. Lutgendorf.
July 1989 (Vol. VI, No. 4) “The Gentleness of Focusing” by D. Baker. “My Experience of Focusing Alone” by R. Foxcroft. “Bias Control: Not Only for Dreams” by D. Graessner. “The Amsterdam Focusing Group” by A. Herpst. “More on Right Brain/Left Brain Dialogue” by J. Iberg. “Does Meditation Trust the Body?” by P. Levy.
September 1989 (Vol. VI, No. 5)“The Centre for Focusing in Toronto” by M. Armstrong. “Extended Focusing: Hanging Out with the Felt Sense” by C. Bellin. “Focusing, Catharsis, and Expressive Techniques” by N. Friedman. “Teaching Guiding from Self-Guiding” by S. Lutgendorf. “Self-Guiding: A New Concept” by A. Weiser.
November 1989 (Vol. VI, No. 6) “Focusing with Anger” by M. Hagerty. “A Focusing Experience with a Client” by B. Jaison. “Book Review: Person-Centred Counselling in Action by Dave Mearns and Brian Thorne” by A. Weiser.
January 1990 (Vol. VII, No. 1) “Owning Anger in Focusing” by H. Askitis. “Movement as a Handle” by D. Fisch. “A Big Release is One Kind of Felt Shift” by N. Friedman. “Some Observations on Focusing with Sadness and Anger” by P. Levy. “Book and Tape Review: Be Your Own Therapist by Dan Matero” reviewed by L. Lukens. The Focusing for Creative Living Program in Toronto.
March 1990 (Vol. VII, No. 2) “Lying Down with Anger: A Personal Experience” by D. Griffin. “Book Review: Body-Centered Psychotherapy-The Hakomi Method by Ron Kurtz” reviewed by K. McGuire. “Felt Positions and Focusing” by D. Young.
May 1990 (Vol. VII, No. 3) “Focusing Questions to Help Integrate Spiritual Experiences” by E. Hinterkopf. “Focusing and Movement: A Breath of Fresh Air for Pain” by M. Watson. “What is Focusing If It Isn’t Having Conversations with Your Body Parts?” by A. Weiser.
July 1990 (Vol. VII, No. 4) “Who is This Being We Call the Critic?” by S. Feher. “Getting in the Last Laugh-At the Critic” by B. Jaison. “Compassion for the Critic” by A. Weiser. “Journey with My Internal Critic” by S. Yanagida.
September 1990 (Vol. VII, No. 5) “Therapeutic Touch and Focusing” by E. Lorup. “Just Saying Hello” by B. Simon. “The Inner Relationship” by A. Weiser. The Eugene Oregon Focusing Community.
November 1990 (Vol. VII, No. 6) “Focusing and Meditation: One Comparison” by N. Friedman. “Focusing in Community, Part One” by J. Lowell. “On Tears and Focusing” by K. McGuire.
January 1991 (Vol. VIII, No. 1) “Book Review: Building Supportive Community: Mutual Self-Help Through Peer Counseling by Kathleen McGuire” reviewed by D. Curry. “Focusing in Community, Part Two” by J. Lowell. “The Trouble with Teaching Clearing a Space as the First Step of Focusing” by A. Weiser.
March 1991 (Vol. VIII, No. 2) “Getting Started” by A. W. Cornell. “The Benefits of Starting from a Cleared Space” by D. Fisch. “Quotes That Illustrate Focusing for Me” by R. Fischer. “A Growth Direction Exercise for Dreamwork and Focusing Classes” by L. Lukens.
May 1991 (Vol. VIII, No. 3) “Getting a Handle” by A. W. Cornell. “Going from Focusing into Meditation” by N. Friedman. “The Critic Has Been Wrongly Accused” by J. Madocks. The Center for Supportive Community in Cambridge, MA.
July 1991 (Vol. VIII, No. 4) “The Inner Focusing Partner” by M. Armstrong. “Creative Expression as a Process Step” by A. J. Bradley. “Finding the Right Distance (Clearing a Space)” by A. W. Cornell. “How Focusing Came into My Life” by N. Friedman. “Another Viewpoint on Too Close/Too Distant” by K. McGuire.
September 1991 (Vol. VIII, No. 5) “Being Friendly with What’s There” by A. W. Cornell. “Two Kinds of Images in Focusing” by A. W. Cornell. “A Focusing Approach to Meditation” by N. Friedman. “Non-Dualistic Meditation” by T. Froitzheim. “The Use of Touch in Focusing” by T. Froitzheim.
November 1991 (Vol. VIII, No. 6) “Receiving” by A. W. Cornell. “Addressing the Critic in Writing” by J. Hart. “Finding the Right Relationship to Clearing a Space” by B. Jaison. “Cathartic Unfoldings Are Not Too Close” by K. McGuire.
January 1992 (Vol. IX, No. 1) “Healing the Universal Addictions” by C. Bellin. “Being With (‘Asking’)” by A. W. Cornell. “Focusing and Intensive Journal Work: A Positive Comparison” by N. Daniel. “Back to Basics: Teaching Focusing to Children” by M. Thompson. The Focusing Resources Program.
March 1992 (Vol. IX, No. 2) “Questions” by A. W. Cornell. “Felt Shift in Forgiveness” by S. Feher. “Focusing in the Dark Spaces-When Nothing Shifts” by C. Kraft. “Teaching Focusing Components as Client Skills in a Therapy Context” by S. Lutgendorf. “How Focusing Came Into My Life” by J. Stetson.
May 1992 (Vol. IX, No. 3) “Focusing is Not a Six-Step Process” by A. W. Cornell. “Resonating What Comes” by A. W. Cornell. “In Favor of the Asking Step” by E. Hinterkopf. “A Three-Step Headache Cure Using Focusing” by L. Lukens.
July 1992 (Vol. IX, No. 4) “Blocks to Focusing, Part One” by A. W. Cornell. “Safe Focusing with (Almost) Any Partner” by A. W. Cornell. “The Art of Listening to a Stranger with Love” by M. Forrest. “Clearing the Space Fully” by J. Klein.
September 1992 (Vol. IX, No. 5) “Blocks to Focusing, Part Two” by A. W. Cornell. “It’s So Painful to Not Feel Anything!” by A. W. Cornell. “Two Tips: The Felt Center and ‘Feeling Nothing'” by E. de Bruijn. “Focusing on the Positive” by S. Feher. “Helping with Too Distant Process” by B. Jaison. “What Helps with Too Distant Process” by B. Korzec.
November 1992 (Vol. IX, No. 6) “The Value of Focusing Alone” by P. Afford. “Blocks to Focusing: Fixing It and Forcing a Choice On It” by A. W. Cornell. “On Focusing Alone-Now and Then” by A. Dalgaard. “Focusing-Alone?” by D. Fisch. “Using My Computer as My Focusing Partner” by A. Hunsaker. “A Felt Sense Exercise with a Partner” by J. Klein. “Five Approaches to Focusing Alone” by D. Marder. “Walking Focusing” by S. Taylor.
January 1993 (Vol. X, No. 1) “Focusing and Life Enhancing Action” by L. R. De Knaus. “Focusing Alone in Bali” by L. R. De Knaus. “Focusing Therapy” by N. Friedman. “Blocks to Focusing: Must You Do What It Wants?” by A. W. Cornell. “How to Use Focusing to Release Blocks to Action” by A. W. Cornell.
March 1993 (Vol. X, No. 2) “Focusing with Art and Creative Movement: A Method for Stress Management” by L. Rappaport. “The Dance of Freedom: Focusing and Action” by D. Fisch. “What Focusing Is and What It Is Not” by N. Friedman.
May 1993 (Vol. X, No. 3) “Teaching Bits of Focusing to Non-focusers with Physical Illness” by D. Young. “What Does the Felt Sense Need?” by T. Landini. “Is Ittification the Best Approach?” by I. LeIndra. “Focusing Without an External Guide (But Never Alone) by B. Korzec.
July 1993 (Vol. X, No. 4) “Focusing and Sacred Symbols” by C. Cave. “How to Be a Really Helpful Focusing Partner” by M. Armstrong. “To Guide or Not to Guide -Is That a Question?” by C. Kraft. “Focusing with Ease” by B. Dalsin.
September 1993 (Vol. X, No. 5) “Shame and Focusing” by J. Amodeo. “Clearing a Space with Manic-Depressives” by D. Guinness. “Focusing and Values” by R. Foxcroft. Two reviews of Beyond the Myth of Dominance: An Alternative to a Violent Society by Edwin M. McMahon: “A Door into the Future of Focusing” by C. Kraft and “A Vision of a World without Dominance” by S. Harvey.
November 1993 (Vol. X, No. 6) “When ‘It’ Wasn’t ‘Me’ and What I Did Then” by I. LeIndra. “My Critic as Partner” by M. Stein. “Focusing and Cancer Therapy: When the Felt Sense is Part of Healing” by C. Rex. “Illness, Focusing, and Healing” by E. de Bruijn.
January 1994 (Vol. XI, No. 1) “The Felt Sense Need Not Always Be Physically Felt” by P. Afford. “Some Notes on Language” by A. W. Cornell. “The Attitude of Not-Knowing” by A. W. Cornell. “My Search for Meaning” by E. Hinterkopf.
March 1994 (Vol. XI, No. 2) “Can I Do What I’ve Never Done?” by R. Bernstein. “Clearing a Space” by A. W. Cornell. “Ten Years with Focusing” by D. Fisch. “Focusing and Expanding Consciousness” by L. Wilson.
May 1994 (Vol. XI, No. 3) “Clear a Space? You Must Be Crazy!” by M. Armstrong. “A Review of Focusing Tapes by Mary Armstrong” by S. Herron. “Multidimensional Focusing Harmonics” by C. Kraft. “Sensory Inventory: An Alternative to Clearing Space” by D. Young.
July 1994 (Vol. XI, No. 4) “Four Brief Notes about Focusing” by R. Foxcroft. “Focusing, Metanormal Capacities, and Transformative Practice” by N. Friedman. “Focusing and Spirituality: The Still Small Voice Within” by K. McGuire. “Focusing and Your Victim” by D. Young.
September 1994 (Vol. XI, No. 5) “The ‘Victim’, the ‘Critic’ and the Inner Relationship: Focusing with the Part that Wants to Die” by B. McGavin. “Does the Critic Exist?” by R. Purdy.
November 1994 (Vol. XI, No. 6) “The Radical Acceptance of Everything” by A. W. Cornell. “Focusing and the Wider World” by R. Foxcroft. “The Critic as Signpost: Changing the Focus from Criticizer to Criticized” by D. Müller.
January 1995 (Vol. XII, No. 1) “The Horse and Focusing” by G. Bruinix. “Focusing with Casper” by M. Bruinix. “Creating a Relationship with Pain” by K. Dever. A review of Integrating Spirituality in Counseling: Using the Experiential Focusing Method by E. Hinterkopf: “Deeper Connections with Spirituality” by L. Brunswick.
March 1995 (Vol. XII, No. 2) “In the Waters of the Soul: The Flow of Focusing” by P. Afford. “Meta-Focusing: Grounding the Spirit” by B. Jaison. A review of Mary Armstrong’s tape Focusing for Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse by S. Turcotte.
May 1995 (Vol. XII, No. 3) “Focusing, Bio-Spirituality, and Miracles” by S. Alexander. “The Body Spiritual” by C. Bellin. “Spirituality Within the Focusing Process” by M. Cahill. A review of S. Alexander’s tape series Bio-Spiritual Focusing by B. Buss.
July 1995 (Vol. XII, No. 4) “Focusing and Avatar: Parallels and Contrasts” by D. Curry. “The Inner Sense of Rightness, Part One” by R. Foxcroft. “Attention Deficit Disorder: What Focusing and Psychotherapy Can’t Fix” by L. Letich.
September 1995 (Vol. XII, No. 5) “The Inner Sense of Rightness, Part Two” by R. Foxcroft. A review of On Focusing: How to Access Your Own and Other People’s Direct Experience by N. Friedman: “Focusing Gifts for Beginners and Therapists Alike” by J. Klagsbrun. “More Gifts from Focusing” by C. Kraft.
November 1995 (Vol. XII, No. 6) “Couples Focusing Together: A Goldmine-or a Minefield?” by M. Armstrong. “The Story of the White Dog: Finding Inner Power in the Critic” by K. Bundschuh-Müller. “Focusing and the Healthy Organism: Shifts, Solutions, Action Steps, and Healing” by J. Klein.
January 1996 (Vol. XIII, No. 1) “‘It Stinks, Doesn’t It?’: Ways to Connect without Fixing” by J. Hart. “Disarming the Critic,” by B. McGavin, “When Do You Hand the Focuser a Tissue?” by B. McGavin.
March 1996 (Vol. XIII, No. 2) “Respecting the Blocks” by M. Armstrong. “A Travelog of Focusing and Biospirituality World Events: A Philosophy for Cooperation” by K. McGuire.
May 1996 (Vol. XIII, No. 3) “The Magic of Egypt and the Power of Focusing” by J. Bell. “Inner Landscapes: A New Way of Beginning and Ending” by L. Dalgaard. “Focusing and the Zen of Swimming: Living the Inclusivity of Focusing” by L. Rojas de Knaus.
July 1996 (Vol. XIII, No. 4) “‘Standing It’: The Alchemy of Mixed Feelings” by A. W. Cornell and B. McGavin. A review of The Power of Focusing by A. W. Cornell: “The Power of Focusing is a Powerful Focusing Manual” by L. Letich. “The Woman Who Married a Cactus” by L. Letich.
September 1996 (Vol. XIII, No. 5) Two reviews of Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy by E. Gendlin: “Viewing Therapy as a Seamless Whole” by P. Campbell, and “Psychotherapy is Whatever Helps the Client” by R. Foxcroft.
November 1996 (Vol. XIII, No. 6) “Five Reasons Why Focusing is Not Better Known (Yet)” by A. W. Cornell. “Bringing Focusing into the World” by J. Klagsbrun. “Co-Focusing” by A. Wild-Missong and N. Friedman.
January 1997 (Vol. XIV, No. 1) “Old Patterns and the Child Within: Being With Your Unique Inner Child” by E. de Bruijn. A review of a book (The Experiential Dimension in Psychotherapy) and a video by Kathy McGuire: “Recognizing Felt Shifts as Change Steps” by G. Fleisch.
March 1997 (Vol. XIV, No. 2) “What is the Difference Between Focusing and Therapy?” by A. W. Cornell.
May 1997 (Vol. XIV, No. 3) “Change-Steps in Focusing-Oriented Therapy” by G. Fleisch.
July 1997 (Vol. XIV, No. 4) “The Common Language of Focusing” a conference report by N. Lou. A review of two videos produced by Nada Lou of Edwin McMahon and Peter Campbell: “Balancing Bodybrain and Headbrain: Feeling the River that Runs Through Us” by S. Crawford.
September 1997 (Vol. XIV, No. 5) “Transforming Dental Pain with Focusing” by R. Hirsch. “Focusing in a Career/Life Consulting Practice” by J. Hodgetts. “Focusing with Small Physical Ailments” by B. McGavin.
November 1997 (Vol. XIV, No. 6) “The Treasure Maps Story–So Far” by A. W. Cornell. “Sharing Focusing in a Spiritual Context” by E. Hinterkopf. “Breast Cancer and Focusing: An Opening” by Anne-Megan Kelly. A review of Integrating Spirituality in Counseling by Elfie Hinterkopf: “Using Focusing to Achieve Spiritual Wellness” by L. Mercer.
January 1998 (Vol. XV, No. 1) “Small Changes: Innovations in How I Lead a Round of Focusing” by N. Friedman. “Focusing and Bodywork: An Informal Exploration” by R. Hirsch.
March 1998 (Vol. XV, No. 2) “Healing Traumatic Wounds from Childhood” (on EMDR) by M. Armstrong. “Three Key Aspects of Focusing” by A. W. Cornell. “The Fifteen Mile-an-Hour Feeling” by D. Müller.
May 1998 (Vol. XV, No. 3) “Listening to Lauren” (on working with a dying person) by M. Armstrong. A review of The Body’s Search for Spirit, a videotape series: “Awakening the Senses, Opening the Heart” by C. Mutz. “A Remarkable Focusing Session with Pain from Severe Physical Damage” by B. Stevenson.
July 1998 (Vol. XV, No. 4) “Report on the 1998 International Focusing Conference” by N. Lou. “The Shift is Just the Beginning: Meditation as Staying with the Wordless” by A. MacDonald. “Our of the Mouths of My Babes” by C. Pascal.
September 1998 (Vol. XV, No. 5) “When Your Felt Sense Speaks to You What to Say Back” by A. W. Cornell. “The Easy Path of Other-Power” (Buddhism) by R. Foxcroft. “The Joinability of Focusing” by R. Lee. “New Focusing Audiotapes” by A-M. Kelly.
November 1998 (Vol. XV, No. 6) “The Power of Inner Relationship: A Response” by A. W. Cornell. “Finding a Certain Distance: A Helpful and Even Life-Saving Technique” by E. Hinterkopf. “Different Distances” by E. Hinterkopf.
January 1999 (Vol. XVI, No. 1) “SLAIMS: A Protocol for Moving Forward with Shame” by M. Aalberse. “Movement, Posture, and Gesture as Aids to Focusing” by J. Hincks. “About Choices, Stuck Places, Parts, Distance and Fusing,” by C. Kraft.
March 1999 (Vol. XVI, No. 2) “Report on the First International Conference on Focusing with Children,” by Sabine Boss. “Focusing in School: Honoring the Children, Not the Work,” by D. Liljestrand. “As We Work: Teaching Children to Maintain a State of Flow by Attending to the Felt Sense,” by K. Nelson.
May 1999 (Vol. XVI, No. 3) “Deep Change Through Long Term Focusing Projects: Guard Dogs,” by R. L. Lee. “A Focusing Class” (poetic impressions) by J. Castronuovo.
July 1999 (Vol. XVI, No. 4) “Focusing and Addictions: Mourning Smoking” by G. Balbiani. “Focusing in Daily Life: The Art Museum Game” by A. W. Cornell with K. Robl. “Hemingway and Focusing” by N. Friedman. “Focusing at the Confidence Clinic: Empowering Women’s Lives,” by V. A. Willman.
September 1999 (Vol. XVI, No. 5) “Leading-In” by A. W. Cornell. “Fundamental Concepts of Focusing” by N. Friedman.
November 1999 (Vol. XVI, No. 6) “Focusing, Felt Gestures, and Blocks to Meditation” by M. Aalberse. “Experiential Focusing and Twelve Step Recovery Work” by S. Crawford. “Focusing Alone-with Sign and Maps” by S. Dougherty.
January 2000 (Vol. XVII, No. 1) “The Perils of Focusing Partnership?and Some Rules for Safety” by A.W. Cornell. “The Four ‘A’s’ —and the Action Steps” by R. Bernstein. “On Getting Some Air: The Witnessing Space” by R. Levin.
March 2000 (Vol. XVII, No. 2) “On Listening, Guiding and ‘Gliding'” by P. Afford. “Weather Patterns Within” by P. Afford. “Listening for the Positive Step of Change” by G. Fleisch.
May 2000 (Vol. XVII, No. 3) “Listening to Your Place of Wisdom” by B. Simon. “Why It Was Crucial for Me to Quit Focusing ? and What Came Next” by C. Buchner. “The Power of Quiet Company” by A. Kelly-Edmunds.
July 2000 (Vol. XVII, No. 4) “The Power of Presence” by B. McGavin. “Wise Support for Focusing Teachers, Therapists, and Focusers. Review of Focusing: Selected Essays, 1974-1999 by Neil Friedman” by Z. Boukydis. “Presence and Focusing. Review of The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle ” by D. Curry.
September 2000 (Vol. XVII, No. 5) “What is Focusing?” by R. Hirsch. “A Simple Introductory Workshop Format” by K. McGuire-Bouwman. “The Dog Story” by A.W. Cornell and B. McGavin.
November 2000 (Vol. XVII, No. 6) “Wholebody Focusing in Everyday Living” by K. McEvenue. “Being Danced by the Light. Review of Energy Flow Focusing Explorations: Passageways into Your Hidden Treasures by Christel Kraft” by P. Carson.
January 2001 (Vol. XVIII, No. 1) “Presence, Existence and Space: Key Concepts in Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy” by A. Ikemi. Review of A. Ikemi’s video on the above topic.
March 2001 (Vol. XVIII, No. 2) “Questioning Questions” by A. W. Cornell. “Buddhism, Krishnamurti, and Gendlin on ‘Experiencing’ ” by N. Friedman.
May 2001 (Vol. XVIII, No. 3) “Focusing: A Path to Self-Soothing” by J. Amodeo. “This Being Human is a Guest House: A Focusing Workshop with Afghan Aid Workers” by N. J. Lawrence.
July 2001 (Vol. XVIII, No. 4) “Naps, Coffee, Wind in the Trees…and WholeBody Focusing” by A. Simeon. “Assimilating Trauma Through Focusing” by D. Morse. Letters regarding the March 2001 article “Questioning Questions.”
September 2001 (Vol. XVIII, No. 5) “Focusing, Meditation and Essence: Complementary Approaches to Being with Pain” by C. McLean. “The Figure in the Stone: Writer’s Block and the Felt Sense” by J. Kornblatt. “Stepping Out into the Wild Woods” by B. McGavin.
November 2001 (Vol. XVIII, No. 6) “How the Living Forward Knows Which Way to Go” by B. McGavin and A. W. Cornell. Video Review of “Focusing with Pain” by A. M. Wyrsch.
January 2002 (Vol. XIX, No. 1) “Being Present with Focusing with Severely Ill Babies” by M. Stapert. “My Typical Dream Workshop” by E. Hinterkopf.
March 2002 (Vol. XIX, No. 2) “The Political Activity of Focusing” by B. Nayowith. “Teaching about Focusing and Meditation in Brief Workshop” by L. Rojas.
May 2002 (Vol. XIX, No. 3) “Interactive Focusing” by J. Klein. “Migraine and Focusing” by C. Langeveld. “A Life in Crisis: Combining Focusing with the Alexander Technique” by K. McEvenue. “After Hello: The Bridge to Right Relationship” by B. Simon.
September 2002 (Vol. XIX, No. 4) “Focusing on Shame” by J. Amodeo. “Migraine and Focusing, Part Two: Course Design and Outcome” by C. Langeveld. Book Review of “Integrating Experiential and Brief Therapy, How to do Deep Therapy, and Brief Therapy Deeply” by B. Jaison.
November 2002 (Vol. XIX, No. 5) “Focusing as Therapy for the Therapist” by G. Madison. “Moving Into Focusing” by R. Morse. Book Review of “The Authentic Heart: An Eightfold Path to Midlife Love” by J. Amodeo.
January 2003 (Vol. XX, No. 1) “Showing Focusing to a New Person” by R. Foxcroft. “The Not-Wanter” by J. Drummond.
March 2003 (Vol. XX, No. 2) “Focusing and The Spiritual Life” by J. Amodeo. “When a Friend is Diagnosed with Cancer” by E. Kirschner. “Wat is Presence?” by A. W. Cornell & B. McGavin. “Sadie Listens: A Book to Use to Introduce Focusing” by A.M. Wyrsch. “One Way of Introducing Focusing to a Therapy Client” by Focusing Professional.
May 2003 (Vol. XX, No. 3) “Getting a Handle on Boundaries” by A. J. Bradley. “A Comforting Light” by D. Young. “Spacecruiser Inquiry: True Guidance for the Inner Journey by A.H. Almaas” Review by S. Martin.
July 2003 (Vol. XX, No. 4) “I Know I’m in There Somewhere: A Woman’s Guide to Finding Her Inner Voice and Living a Life of Authentitcity, by H. Brenner with L. Letich” Review by A. W. Cornell. “Five Minutes in a Burning House, Floating Down a River” by S. Martin.
September 2003 (Vol. XX, No. 5) “My Experience with Whole Body Focusing” by A. van der Kooy. “Focusing and Transition” by R. Hirsch.
November 2003 (Vol. XX, No. 6) “13 Blocks to Focusing and Their Remedies: a Compilation” by J. Klagsbrun and N. Friedman. “Focusing with ‘Something’ Over Many Sessions: A Serial Focusing Adventure” by B. Jaison.
January 2004 (Vol. XXI, No. 1) “Focusing & Creativity: A Writer’s View” by E. Kirschner. “Focusing & Friends (Quaker) Process” by N. J. Lawrence. “Practical Dreamwork” by B. Shoenberger.
March 2004 (Vol. XXI, No. 2) “When I First Met Focusing” by A. W. Cornell. “The Absence of Presence and What It Taught Me” by L. Patrick. Review by J. Archer: “Love & Awakening: Discovering the Sacred Path of Intimate Relationship” by J. Wellwood.
May 2004 (Vol. XXI, No. 3) “Felt Sensing: Strands & Voices” by R. Foxcroft. “Focusing & Subtle Touch” by W. Westerhof. “My Body Needs a New Head” by C. Kraft. “A (Very Shy) Focusing Approach to Accepting Spiritual Energy (gleep)” by N. Friedman.
July 2004 (Vol. XXI, No. 4) “About Focusing Modalities” by C. G. Juchli. “How I Discovered the Felt Shift and How the World is Now Rediscovering the Felt Sense” by M. K. Armstrong.
September 2004 (Vol. XXI, No. 5) “Focusing: Homeopathy for the Soul” by T. Travers-Davin. “The Lap of Presence” by L. Ellenberger. “Focusing and My First Child” by W. Westerhof. Review by F. Parr: “The Focusing Student’s & Companion’s Manual: Part 1 & 2” by B. McGavin & A.W. Cornell.
November 2004 (Vol. XXI, No. 6) “The Radical Acceptance of Everything: Part Two” by A.W. Cornell. “Focusing and Massage” by M. Franke. “The Use of Touch in a Focusing-Oriented Therapy Session” by W. Westerhof.
January 2005 (Vol. XXII, No. 1) “Some ABC’s of Focusing, Part One” by E. de Bruijn. “Listening to Our Callings” by R. Zubizarreta & B. Nayowith.
March 2005 (Vol. XXII, No. 2) “Some ABC’s of Focusing, Part Two” by E. de Bruijn. “The Felt Sense of Focusing” by S. L. Noel.
May 2005 (Vol. XXII, No. 3) “Solo Focusing” by K. Hoffmann. “Focusing in the Midst of Life” by A.W. Cornell.
July 2005 (Vol. XXII, No. 4) “Focusing After Group Trauma” by P. Omidian. “Pain is My Friend” by P. Robinett. “Focusing Partnership as a Learning Process” by J. Archer.
September 2005 (Vol. XXII, No. 5) “Wholebody Focusing” by F. Parr. “Two Stories from a Focusing Partnership” by W. Westerhof. Dialog: “Physical Symptoms, Pain, Felt Senses and Is This Focusing?” – N. Friedman & A. W. Cornell.
November 2005 (Vol. XXII, No. 6) “Living Focusing in Group Process” by B. Jaison. “Bringing Philosophy to Focusing” by R. Bernstein. Dialog: “Physical Symptoms, Pain, Felt Senses and Is This Focusing?” – N. Dunaetz.
January 2006 (Vol. XXIII, No. 1) “Focusing for Skeptics” by M. Armstrong. “Inner Partnership: Using Drawing & Writing in the Focusing Process” by J. Archer. Review by E. Holloway of The Radical Acceptance of Everything by A. W. Cornell. Review by R. Foxcroft: “Person-Centered Therapy: A Focusing-Oriented Approach” by C. Purton.
March 2006 (Vol. XXIII, No. 2) “Twenty Ways to Start a Focusing Session” by R. Foxcroft. “Focusing in Contemplation: Exploring the Far Reaches of Human Experience” by M.F. Goodman.
May 2006 (Vol. XXIII, No. 3) “Making Art That Moves You” by B. Merkur. “The Conservative Denial of Nothing” by C. Donnan. “Learning to Trust the Process” by T. Garrigan. “My Body is My Teacher” by Manjudeva.
July 2006 (Vol. XXIII, No. 4) “How Strong is Your Sense of Presence?” by J. Brickett. “Focusing and Buddhist Practice” by B. Latchis. “Focusing and Daily Life” by F. Jacobs.
September 2006 (Vol. XXIII, No. 5) “How to Tell if You’re Focusing” by A. W. Cornell. “How Change Can Happen” by A. M. Wyrsch. “Facilitating Focusing When Images Come” by A. W. Cornell.
November 2006 (Vol. XXIII, No. 6) “Softening at the Edge: Focusing into Sleep” by S. Rudnick & R. Kappy. “Gifts from Focusing and My Mother” by J. Klagsbrun.
January 2007 (Vol. XXIV, No. 1) “A Repertory of Felt Shifts” by F. Castaldi. CD Review: “Focusing with Your Whole Body” (A. van der Kooy & K. McEvenue) by J. Moore. “Old Patterns – How About a Change?” by E. de Bruijn.
March 2007 (Vol. XXIV, No. 2) “Focusing Recollections: The First ‘Hello’ and More” by B. Simon. “The Power of Hello” by A.W. Cornell. “Rob’s Teaching Steps for Experiential Focusing” by R. Foxcroft. “Drawing Focusing” by N.J. Lawrence.
May 2007 (Vol. XXIV, No. 3) “The Felt Sentence: A Channel from Sense to Symbol” by D. Smith. “Focusing and Coaching: Quick Dips and Deep Dives” by S. Lennox. “The Simple, Natural Spirituality of Focusing” by N. Moffett.
July 2007 (Vol. XXIV, No. 4) “Facilitative Focusing: Using Focusing in Work Situations” by M. Jennings. “Right in Their Hands: How Gestures Imply the Body’s Next Steps” by G. Fleisch.
September 2007 (Vol. XXIV, No. 5) “Focusing, Creativity, and Person-Centered Democracy in Group Settings” by F. Castaldi. “The Creative Edge Pyramid: Applying Listening/Focusing Skills in Business and Organizations” by K. McGuire.
November 2007 (Vol. XXIV, No. 6) “The Tricycle Effect – How to Think Further with Focusing” by M. Jennings. “Intense Pain and the Gift of Awareness” by A.W. Cornell. “Audible Companions: Focusing CDs and How I Use Them” by C. Herr.
January 2008 (Vol. XXV, No. 1) “The Focusing Chair” by B. Dickinson. Selected Poems by B. Walsh. “I Wish I Didn’t Feel So Anxious” by A.W. Cornell. Selected Focusing Tips by A.W. Cornell.
March 2008 (Vol. XXV, No. 2) “The Career Discovery Project: Helping Students Make Career Decisions with Focusing” by C. Montesano Rebon de Crouzel. “The Four Secrets to Getting Unstuck” by A.W. Cornell. How I Spent My Summer School” by B. Dickinson.
May 2008 (Vol. XXV, No. 3) “Mindfulness Meditation & Focusing” by L. Dawson. “Whole Situation Focusing: Focusing on More Than Me” by D. Ganihar. “The Little Bird Who Found Herself” Review by A.M. Wyrsch.
July 2008 (Vol. XXV, No. 4) “Domain Focusing” by S. L. Noel. “Eulogy for Neil Friedman” by J. Klagsbrun. “Focusing on Death and Dying” by N. Friedman. “The Man Who Never Said What It Was About” by N. Friedman. Remebering Neil Friedman.
September 2008 (Vol. XXV, No. 5) “How Stories Can Carry Us Forward” by M. Jennings. “Some Insight and Reflection on the Role of Companion in Focusing” by J. Sabbage. “The Power of Focusing Partnership” by J. Hainsworth.
November 2008 (Vol. XXV, No. 6) “Pantomiming as a WholeBody Focusing Process” by G. Fleisch. “Listening, Focusing and Translating” by A. Ikemi. “Focusing with Children” Review by A.W. Cornell.
January 2009 (Vol. XXVI, No. 1) “The Perils of Being Hijacked by a Partial-Self (And What to Do If You Are)” by B. McGavin. “Adventures Offering Focusing to Inner-City College Students” by R. Cunningham. “Presence Meets ‘Ego'” by A.W. Cornell.
March 2009 (Vol. XXVI, No. 2) “Setting Good Boundaries: Inside and Out” by B. Jaison. “‘What is the Felt Sense, Rob?'” by R. Foxcroft. Focusing All Through Childbirth” by B. Holström. “Fear of Dying in Childbirth: the Plate of Golden Light” by E. Kruithoff.
May 2009 (Vol. XXVI, No. 3) “Let Your Body Interpret the Text: How to Read (Gendlin) Experientially” by D. Ganihar. “We Have Plant Bodies” from “Three Assertions about the Body” by E. Gendlin. “How Stories Help You Think More Effectively” by M. Jennings.
July 2009 (Vol. XXVI, No. 4) “Recovery Focusing: Shifting from being stuck in an addictive process to processing our stuckness” by S. Noël. “A Guided Structure for Focusing Alone” by C. Herr.
September 2009 (Vol. XXVI, No. 5) “The Wisdom of Body-Mind Process” by A.W. Cornell. “Recovery Focusing, Part Two” by S. Noël. “Nurturing Ourselves, Exploring Doorways” by J. Hodgman.
November 2009 (Vol. XXVI, No. 6) “The Process of Pain” by E. Hinterkopf. “A Little Wind from My Fingertips” by K. Halm. “A Lost and Found Story” by N. Christenson. “Ouch … How long do I wait?” by P. Barot.
January 2010 (Vol. XXVII, No. 1) “Focusing with Positive Feelings” by A.W. Cornell. “The Empowered Focuser” by A.W. Cornell. “Guidelines for Partnership” by R. Lee.
March 2010 (Vol. XXVII, No. 2) “Sleep-Focusing: A Pathway to Sleep” by E. English (Locana). “Some Tips for Focusing Alone, Part One” by S. Teague.
May 2010 (Vol. XXVII, No. 3) “Being a Focusing Friend-in-Need: When Other People are in Distress” by A. W. Cornell. “Focusing with a Person with Tinnitus” by W. Westerhof. “Some Tips for Focusing Alone, Part Two” by S. Teague.
July 2010 (Vol. XXVII, No. 4) “Lacos and Caro: Trusting Inner Knowing in a Decision to Buy a Horse” by W. Westerhof. “The Group Shift: Recovery Focusing at Work” by S. Noël.
September 2010 (Vol. XXVII, No. 5) “Focusing and Fairytales” by E. English (Locana). “Emergence: A Glimpse of Life Beyond Sarcasm and Criticism” by B. J. Dickinson.
November 2010 (Vol. XXVII, No. 6) “Combining Focusing Teaching with Art Therapy” by K. Wallace. “Why Would a Focusing Workbook be Directed Specifically to the World’s Christian Communities?” by E. M. McMahon, Ph.D. & P.A. Campbell, Ph.D.
January 2011 (Vol. XXVIII, No. 1) “Co-Presencing in Wholebody Focusing-Oriented Therapy: Carrying Forward blocked process and structure-bound states through interactive engagement” by G. Fleisch. “Clearing a Space with the Whole Body: How to Prepare for Focusing When You are Very Upset” by B. Ringwelski. “How the Listener Is and Is Not Scientific” by R. Foxcroft.
March 2011 (Vol. XXVIII, No. 2) “If You Feel Impossibly Stuck, Maybe You Have a Tangle” by Ann Weiser Cornell & Barbara McGavin. “Implicit Technology – The Skill of the Unskilled” by Noga Maivar. “Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy & Trauma” by Mary Armstrong.
May 2011 (Vol. XXVIII, No. 3) “Pause for Thought: Get People to Practice Pausing and They are on Their Way to Learning Focusing” by Mary Jennings. “Healing through We-ing: The H.O.W. We Heal Model for Facilitating Focusing in Groups” by Suzanne L. Noël. “Heart Connections” by Lerissa Patrick.
July 2011 (Vol. XXVIII, No. 4) “Office Aikido: Wholebody Focusing at Work” by Ana Simeon. “Reflections on the 2011 Conference” by Various Attendees.
September 2011 (Vol. XXVIII, No. 5) “Explorations in Focusing and Buddhism: How Focusing Can Help Buddhist Practice” by Elizabeth English (Locana). “Being Kind to the Place in You That Wants to Rush In and Fix It” by Bala Jaison.
November 2011 (Vol. XXVIII, No. 6) “Bringing Focusing Into Fields That Need It: Why That is Hard and What We Can Do” by Rona Raanan Shafrir and Dana Ganihar Raz. “The Interweaving of Dreaming & Focusing” by Andrea Koch. “What Should Have Been Still Exists Within” by Mary Armstrong.
January 2012 (Vol. XXIX, No. 1) “Meditative Listening: All of Us Listening, In and Between Us, Here and Now” by Vivien Stacey. “The Ending of the Session: Completion, Resolution, Forward Movement” by Ann Weiser Cornell.
March 2012 (Vol. XXIX, No. 2) “Explorations in Focusing and Buddhism: Can we trust our experiences?” by Locana (Elizabeth English). “The Interweaving of Focusing & TRE-Tension/Trauma Releasing Exercises” by Judy Archer. “Hoodies & Focusing” by Roger Cunningham.
May 2012 (Vol. XXIX, No. 3) “The Inner Focusing Partner” by Mary Armstrong. “The Value of Focusing Alone” by Peter Afford. “Focusing Alone – with Signs and Maps” by Susan Dougherty. “Five Approaches to Focusing Alone” by Diana Marder.
July 2012 (Vol. XXIX, No. 4) “Welcoming the Tiger: Working with Trauma in Focusing (for Focusers and Companions)” by Manjudeva (Peter Gill). “Focusing Listening with Babies” by Mary Armstrong. “How Can Gentle Listening Make a Dent in a Tough World?” by Ann Weiser Cornell.
September 2012 (Vol. XXIX, No. 5) “Images of Wholebody Focusing” by Alex Maunder and Lucie Therrien. A Review of Andra Koch’s Dreams and the Person-Centered Approach: Cherishing client experience by Abbe Blum.
November 2012 (Vol. XXIX, No. 6) “Touch and Focusing: A Dialogue, Part One” by Anastasia Brencick. “What I Value about Focusing Partnership” by Emily Agnew. “Saying Hello to a ‘No'” by Manjudeva (Peter Gill).
January 2013 (Vol. XXX, No. 1) “Touch and Focusing: A Dialogue, Part Two” by Anastasia Brencick. “Focusing on Art Using Postcards” by Elfie Hinterkopf.
March 2013 (Vol. XXX, No. 2) “The Longing to Be Met: A Focusing Protocol for Finding a Life Partner” by Ann Weiser Cornell. “Full Listening and Real Understanding” by Locana (Elizabeth English). “One Last Try” by Rob Foxcroft.
May 2013 (Vol. XXX, No. 3) “Focusing & Healing Trauma: Exploring the key role of Focusing in a personal experience of healing trauma” by Emily Agnew. “Tips on Ending a Focusing Session – and Starting Again” by Fiona Parr. “How to be Grounded in the Body” by Fiona Parr. “The Four A’s – and the Action Step” by Reva Bernstein.