Only Say Yes When You Mean It

Start Setting Boundaries You Feel Good About in Just 21 Days

Identify healthy boundaries and develop skills to set them with kindness and clarity.

(yes, it works with family, colleagues, friends, and more)

Also available in Kindle, audiobook, and paperback editions! Get your copy here: 21 Days to Better Boundaries.

“Compassionate people ask for what they need. They say no when they need to, and when they say yes, they mean it. They’re compassionate because their boundaries keep them out of resentment.” ― Brené Brown

Do You Struggle to Set Healthy Boundaries?

I’ve seen so many people (including myself) have difficulty setting good, clear boundaries. And I’ve seen lives transform when people are finally able to state their needs with clarity and compassion.

Having good boundaries is a practice. You can develop your “good boundary superpowers” over time. (I’d love to help you do that.) And I also know it’s easy to get off track – to worry about being rejected, hurting the other person, and feeling like it’s unsafe to say what you need or want.

Maybe you start out with the best intentions to set boundaries. You plan and think about what would be right. Yet, when it’s time to take action, you tell yourself, “It’s not that bad…” And then end up giving in to a request that doesn’t feel right for you.

I know how easy it is to fall back into the habit of putting your own needs and feelings last.

Do you ever find it hard to:

  • state your boundaries clearly?
  • turn down another person’s requests for your time or attention?
  • not feel bad when you don’t respond the way someone wants you to?
  • decide what you want and/or don’t want in a situation?
  • know what is right for you?
  • say what you need in a compassionate, caring way?

If you want to set healthier boundaries in your life, to maintain good relationships, to feel connected to yourself and other people, but you aren’t really sure how to do it….I’ve got you covered!

Rumi quote

I’d like to help you end your struggle…

So I created something that will change your relationship with boundaries for the better!

Let me introduce you to the 21-Days to Healthier Boundaries course

I created this course (aka Healthy Boundaries, Healthy Life) to give you the skills and support to consistently practice setting better boundaries in your life.

You’ll be able to easily identify situations where boundaries are an issue for you. And you’ll have practical, step-by-step processes you can use to move beyond the emotional states that have stopped you from speaking up in the past.

Every day, for 21 days, you’ll get practices designed to support you in developing boundary setting skills.

You can access the materials online so you get them no matter where in the world you might be… Plus, you have them for life (or as long as Focusing Resources exists).

When you have a daily reminder, healthier boundaries are no longer something you get around to…maybe…if you have time.

Instead, you develop a practice of paying attention to your needs. You no longer get stuck in old, unhealthy patterns of putting yourself last, feeling resentful about saying yes when you mean no, or being afraid to speak up about your needs. You’ll have more trust that you know how to handle situations in your life.

The Healthy Boundaries course makes it easier to set limits effectively and kindly – because you get structure and guidance. Plus, you’re not alone. The moment you join, you become part of a community of people working on the same issues and concerns, who share the same values and can help you stay on track.

Get your first practice the day you sign up.

Healthy Boundaries Course at a Glance

Daily Practices

Every day for 21 days you get one new practice to explore

Online Video Trainings

Daily videos to help you put the practices to work. Easy-to-use online course you can access from anywhere.

Audio Downloads & PDFs

Watch. Listen. Read. Get course content in multiple formats so you can learn the way that works best for you.

Supportive Community

A forum where you and other people in the course can share and connect

About Your Teacher

Ann created Inner Relationship Focusing with her long-time colleague, Barbara McGavin, to help alleviate the thinking and feeling cycles that kept her stuck in hard places. It changed her life, and it became her mission to help others create quiet miracles in their lives too.

For over 35 years now, Ann’s been teaching this practical, revolutionary process to people all over the world. With her At the Crossroads on-demand course, you get the benefit of Ann’s expertise and the chance to practice the simple, yet revolutionary process of Focusing with her gentle, compassionate guidance.

Ann is the author of Focusing in Clinical Practice: The Essence of Change, The Power of Focusing, and The Radical Acceptance of Everything. Today she is internationally recognized as one of the leading innovators and theoreticians of Focusing.

Why Join The Healthy Boundaries Course?

It doesn’t matter if you’ve taken all my other courses, or just read my books, or if you’re brand new to the world of Focusing. No matter where you are now, this course provides the structure, guidance, and support to create powerful, sustainable changes to the way you handle boundaries.

If you want a straightforward, step-by-step process you can use to be consistent with your boundaries – to feel less guilt, frustration, or fear… If you want to finally know what you need and how to ask for it in a way that works for you, then  the Healthy Boundaries course is for you.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Say no without making explanations or excuses…
  • Say no when you know you could help, but it isn’t the right thing for you…
  • Say no when someone really wants something you don’t want to do…
  • Say no and worry less about being liked or seeking approval…
  • Say no without getting lost in fear, guilt, or feeling selfish…
  • Say no with kindness and compassion…
  • Say yes to time and space for your own priorities…

If you want to set healthier boundaries in your life, to maintain good relationships, to feel connected to yourself and other people, but you aren’t really sure how to do it….I’ve got you covered!

Every no is really a yes to something else.

― Ann Weiser Cornell

Only Say Yes When You Mean It

Here’s How:

Identify what healthy boundaries actually are for you

Develop the skills to set boundaries with kindness and compassion

Watch your relationships thrive as you set boundaries you can feel good about

Enroll for Your Course Here

21 Days to Healthier Boundaries On-Demand Course


21-day Video Course to help you identify healthy boundaries and develop skills to set them with kindness and clarity. previously called Healthy Boundaries, Healthy Life

The 21 Practices

  • The most important boundary to set first
  • Your right to honor your own needs
  • Setting boundaries without anger, blaming, excuses, or apologies
  • Being aware, in the moment, that there is a boundaries issue
  • Saying no without fear of being abandoned and alone
  • Saying yes (and no)
  • Creating time and space for your own self
  • The question of how much to share (personal info, etc)
  • How healthy boundaries help us connect well with others
  • The hardest person to set a boundary with
  • When wanting people to like you stops you from setting boundaries
  • Saying no (and yes) without feeling guilty or selfish
  • Standing your ground when the other person is angry or critical
  • When your trauma history is involved
  • Separating the other person’s feelings from your own
  • How introverts can set boundaries
  • When people are intrusive
  • Setting boundaries with yourself
  • How to lovingly connect without giving up on your needs
  • Experiencing yourself as a separate being from others
  • Clear communicating that takes the other into account

“Setting boundaries is a way of caring for myself. It doesn’t make me mean, selfish, or uncaring (just) because I don’t do things your way. I care about me, too.” ― Christine Morgan

How This Course Works

Learn Wherever You Like

This course is accessible by computer, tablet, or smart phone. If you can connect to the internet, you can connect to this course!

Be Supported In Your Process!

You won’t be going it alone! You’ll have access to a forum to chat with other students, plus access to Ann for parts where you might feel stuck.

Available at Your Convenience!

Access new content (delivered daily) whenever it works for you. You get lifetime access, so you can revisit the material anytime

Interactive Materials

This course includes a beautiful PDF workbook to help you integrate your learning. There will also be checkpoints during the course to check-in on your progress.

What People Are Saying About Healthy Boundaries…

Got Questions? We’ve Got Your Answers…

The great news is that you can take this course whenever it works for you. You get content when you want it, plus lifetime access. No stressing out about being somewhere on time. Way less pressure to move through the material at a pace that might not fit for you. The lessons are compact and set up so that you can do them in small bites or big chunks depending on your learning style and your availability.

No. You’ll have access to the first lesson of the course as soon as you sign up. Every day you’ll get a new lesson released to you. We provide the content in ‘small bites’ like this because taking time to practice the material and move forward in small, consistent steps supports you in making the kinds of changes you really want to make.

Sure. The classroom is virtual. You’ll get access to the course platform right after registering. Materials are provided via a combination of video, audio slideshows, and written content to cover a variety of learning styles. There is a forum so you can connect with other program participants and be part of a dynamic learning community. And you get lifetime access to all of it. Go through it once and come back anytime you need some extra support to handle life!

Thanks for asking. Each course is licensed to a single user – you! While we can’t authorize you to share the materials, we’d love to have your friend participate too. Please feel free to invite them to sign up too!

Your course comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. If you let us know within 60 days of the end of the course that we didn’t deliver what we said we would just ask, and we’ll cheerfully refund the full course fee.

No, we’re sorry. Continuing Education Units (CE Credits) are not available for this course. If you need CE Credits, please check out our upcoming live online courses here.

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