Presence: A Guide to Transforming Your Most Challenging Emotions

Difficult emotions don’t have to rule your life.

If you’ve suffered through shame, anger, depression, self-criticism, relationship issues, fleeing from happiness, or even avoidance to taking action in your life, let Presence serve as your guide to a different way of being with yourself and all of your feelings.

Presence: A Guide to Transforming Your Most Challenging Emotions
by Ann Weiser Cornell

Starting at $25.00

Presence: A Guide to Transforming Your Most Challenging Emotions takes you along on the personal journeys of people like you seeking ways to be calmer, clearer, happier, and more effective in their lives. Ann Weiser Cornell’s responses to real people’s questions about their emotional struggles are warm-hearted, wise, and inspiring…and often funny.

Here’s what we know and want to share with you — your most challenging emotions do not have to rule your life. Being with your emotions, rather than being your emotions, allows them to change. Your feelings — even your most challenging feelings — no longer have to be the ‘enemy inside.’ The practical, compassionate insights in this book are roadmaps that can help you make that inner shift from emotion wars to a wider perspective that opens up your most empowered life possibilities.

Whimsical and beautifully designed, Presence is chock full of short, easy-to-read segments that you can enjoy as bite-sized bits of wisdom whenever you have a moment to indulge in some reading.

If you’re ready to make change in your life, this book is a lighthearted and inspiring way to help you meet life’s challenges with compassion and, dare we say, Presence!

A Note from Ann

Ann Smile

I’ve heard from a lot of experienced Focusers that they love the Presence book. My powerful tips for challenging emotions are not restricted to beginners.

People of all levels of experience can be confronted by the kinds of situations I address in this book, from anxiety so intense it gives you sleepless nights to anger that makes you want to hurt the person…. the feeling that it’s dangerous to feel good… the challenge of surviving heartbreak… These are just a few examples.

And even if you personally aren’t in those situations, I think you’ll really appreciate how I respond to the people who are. The whole book taken together gives a picture of the quality of Presence that is potentially life-transforming… even for those who have been Focusing for years.

Hear some of Ann’s Tips for Challenging Times

Emotional Themes Covered in Presence:

  • Intense Feelings
  • Decisions & Frustration
  • The Trouble with Feeling Happy
  • Emotion Wars
  • Avoiding Feelings
  • Anxiety & Anger
  • Unfulfilled Desire & Relationships
  • Shame & Self-Criticism
  • Overwhelm & Tears – Identifying with Parts
  • Trauma
  • Good Feelings

Adoring Fans Say:

Already loved the book so much, I gave my copy away to someone in need of finding presence in and with himself…ordering another copy for me!” ~Kelly V.

“Thank you for putting these audios together. I’ve been using the grief and loss one to great effect. I can follow your gentle guidance. It’s so amazing. I go from pain and suffering to tears and relief. It’s my go to emotional first aid. What a blessing.” ~ Nick C.

A Look Inside Presence

Click here to look inside (PDF)

Also Available:
The Presence Workbook + Guided Audio Exercises

12 Guided Audio Exercises + 58-page Companion Workbook

The Transforming Your Most Challenging Emotions Audio & Workbook set (MP3s + PDF) is a wonderful, practical companion to Presence, created to help further support your journey to self-discovery and wholeness. Each guided exercise gives you a chance to explore your own experience with common, challenging emotions. Start finding more presence for yourself now, in your own life!

What Ann will show you in the guided exercises and workbook:

“With these guided audio exercises and accompanying workbook, I am going to show you powerful and simple ways to transform your most challenging emotions so that you feel calmer and more in charge of your life. These are methods that have helped thousands of people like you — including me!

I no longer snap at people when I am under stress, or dissolve in tears when I imagine I’m being criticized. Hard things still happen to me, and I still have emotional reactions…but they don’t take me over. I’m bigger than my emotional states and you can be too!

Most of us learned only two ways to be with emotions. We could be taken over by them and feel overwhelmed and say and do things we regret — or we could suppress them and stuff them into a barrel that’s eventually going to explode.

But if you’re like me, maybe you didn’t know there was a third way — a way to both have your emotions and not be taken over by them. That is what I will be showing you in the Transforming Your Most Challenging Emotions Audio & Workbook set”

Topics Covered in the Exercises & Workbook:

Section 1:    Anxiety
Section 2:    Anger & Resentment
Section 3:    Grief & Sadness
Section 4:    Tough Decisions
Section 5:    Finding Motivation
Section 6:    Issues with Feeling Good

Purchase Presence

Select the eBook or workbook and guided exercises.
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Presence: A Guide to Transforming Your Most Challenging Emotions


Difficult emotions don’t have to rule your life. If you’ve suffered through shame, anger, depression, self-criticism, relationship issues, fleeing from happiness, or even avoidance to taking action in your life, let Presence serve as your guide to a different way of being with yourself and all of your feelings.

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Praise for Presence

Presence: A Guide to Transforming Your Most Challenging Emotions is a scintillating selection of the “tips” that Ann Weiser Cornell, the foremost Focusing teacher in the English-speaking world today, has been sending weekly for years to her many online followers. Each tip responds to a real question from a particular individual, yet all of them touch on universal themes, ranging from depression and avoidance to relationship challenges, anger, and feelings of shame and self-criticism. The key to resolving all of these challenges lies in our ability to be truly, lovingly present to ourselves — “Self-in-Presence” Ann calls it — and this book shows us how to cultivate this invaluable inner skill.

Presence is a user-friendly book, beautifully designed and illustrated, and written with Ann’s characteristic clarity, directness, and warmth. It is a true feast for the soul, full of wise and practical recipes for living a fuller and happier life.”

—  David I. Rome
Author of Your Body Knows the Answer: Using Your Felt Sense to Solve Problems, Effect Change, and Liberate Creativity; Certified Focusing Trainer and leading Buddhist teacher

“Emotional health lies not with arguing against, overcoming or “rising above” our emotions, but with understanding what they are trying to tell us, and using their enormous power constructively. In this lovely, warm, and elegantly written book, Ann Weiser Cornell shows people how they can “be with” even the most difficult and challenging emotional states and life situations and come out the other side richer, wiser, stronger, and more able to go forward in their lives. Reading this book is like having Ann’s warm, reassuring voice right next to you showing you the way to reach the nuggets of wisdom and transformation within. It should be every Focuser’s Focusing companion!”                                                  

— Helene G. Brenner, PhD
Psychologist & author of I Know I’m in There Somewhere: A Woman’s Guide to Finding Her Inner Voice and Living a Life of Authenticity


“Accessible yet deep, Presence is an important book about taking care of our emotions and understanding how they can be transformed. In her genuine and warm-hearted style, Ann Weiser Cornell answers practical questions from real people about their struggles with challenging emotions.

Readers facing all kinds of difficulties – from compulsive eating and addictions to making difficult decisions – will be able to use Ann’s wisdom to learn how to embrace and transform their emotions without blocking or suppressing them.”

— Annie Mahon
Author of Things I Did When I Was Hangry: Navigating a Peaceful Relationship with Food and the blog

Bob Sheeler

“Ann Weiser Cornell is a true pioneer in the field of Focusing, having taken the process to an entirely new and more integrated level.  In this powerfully illustrated and even more powerfully written work she concisely outlines ways to deal with emotions.  The processes she describes not only tame strong emotions but serve to transform them. By using precise pathways she and others have developed in Inner Relationship Focusing, we learn how to get to the core of issues and unravel real-life emotional knots that keep us from achieving higher levels of development and integration of self. Though the concept is diffusing into other realms of knowledge, her work on Presence has been at the leading edge of a societal awakening to the embodied self in Western society.  This book provides further depth of understanding what Presence is and how to bring it to every aspect of our lives.”

— Robert D. Sheeler, M.D.

About the Author

Ann Weiser Cornell is a best-selling author, educator, and worldwide authority on Focusing, the self-awareness method developed by her mentor, Eugene Gendlin. She is perhaps the best-known Focusing teacher in the world, having taught in twenty countries around the world since 1980.

Ann loves helping you listen with compassion to every part of yourself, especially those little whispers from something deep inside which has been longing to emerge. She is passionate about supporting you as you turn around states of low self-worth and procrastination so you can live the big life you were born to live. What excites her the most is showing you how awareness itself can be the source of powerful life change and transformation.

She is the author of The Radical Acceptance of Everything and her bestseller, The Power of Focusing, as well as Focusing in Clinical Practice: The Essence of Change. She is also a Past President of the Association for Humanistic Psychology.

Ann Weiser Cornell