Living a Focusing life means bringing awareness to how you are. Your body is always ready to give you a felt sense of the situation you’re in. Like a wise inner guide who’s always with you!

Questions? Anything about Focusing?

Just email me at and I’ll address your question in future posts.

Tips for Focusing Alone

We’re going to talk about three ways of using art materials to support your Focusing alone. This week, the first way: Drawing your felt sense.

If your felt sense has a visual quality, a shape, a color, you can draw it, and then show the drawing to your body sense. As with all descriptions, take time to sense if this “fits” or if it needs to be changed to fit even better.

Or if your felt sense is an image, like sensing a mouse hiding inside or a tree spreading its branches, you can draw that, and again, use the drawing to help you stay with the body feeling of the image.

Tips for Focusing with a Partner

“I wish I had a Focusing partner but no one lives near me.”

Ah, no problem! You see, Focusing works just as well on the phone! You have your eyes closed anyway, and the other person’s voice is right there. You don’t have to leave home, there’s no travel time, and you can sit in your most comfortable chair. (It does help to have a headest for your phone so your hands can relax. Radio Shack has some great ones.)

The Focusing Institute does offer a Focusing partnership matching program, and you can find the link to it right here. You’ll just need to join the Focusing Institute, and you’ll need to have some Focusing training first. My Path to Lasting Change, Part One is sufficient to meet their requirements. If you haven’t had Path to Lasting Change, Part One, see for how to take one… by telephone!

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