As you read this I am teaching Treasure Maps to the Soul at the lovely Plas Taliaris Center in Llandeilo, Wales. What a great life!

Tips for Focusing Alone

Last week I talked about speaking out loud as a support to Focusing alone. You might be wondering, What do I say?

First, give yourself suggestions as if you were about to do them or doing them now. For example:
“I’ll say hello to it.” or
“I’m saying hello to it.” I find this really keeps me on track.

I’ve provided a link just below to a page compiled by the Focusing Institute that has Self-Guiding Instructions from five different teachers.

The second kind of thing to say out loud is what you might say to a partner: “I’m sensing it’s tight,” or “I’m aware of something in me that doesn’t want to feel this.”

And then listen to yourself!

Tips on Focusing with a Partner

Last time we talked about what to do when you give the time signal for being near the end of the session, and the Focuser doesn’t stop.

I just wanted to give one handy tip. After you give the time warning, stop reflecting. Just hold the space in gentle silence. When you give reflections to your partner, that has such a momentum to keep going forward! Stopping will subtly allow the partner to slow down and come to completion.

Of course people who’ve had Path to Lasting Change, Part Two training have even more tools for helping people stop, but we’re talking here about after Path to Lasting Change, Part One or Two.

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