Summer is here, and in Berkeley we’re having the typical Northern California summer: cold!

I’m looking forward to teaching my five Focusing Levels this month, in the usual reverse order: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. You know why I schedule them that way, right? Yes, it’s so nobody can take them too quickly!

If it’s been more than 2 1/2 months since you took your last Focusing Level workshop, maybe you’re ready for the next one….

Tips for Focusing Alone

Q: When is a good time for Focusing alone?
A: Whenever you want or need to give yourself some kind attention! Often people report that their biggest difficulty with Focusing is sitting down to do it. But Focusing doesn’t have to take very long. Even a few minutes of sensing inwardly can shift the energy of your whole being into a lighter, brighter attitude.

Tips for Focusing with a Partner

We’ve been talking about ending the session, that ending the Focusing session is a key time. Why? Because the Focusing process is an inner relationship, and each time you do Focusing, you are building a trusting longterm relationship with yourself.

Part of the ending would be a gentle invitation to the part or place inside, the one you’ve been spending time with: maybe it would like to let you know something more before the session ends. Sometimes the most valuable parts of a session emerge at the very end!

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