I’ve been pondering how to be more supportive to people who want to make Focusing a trusted part of their lives. The wild success of my recent Focusing Alone course has made me realize that both Focusing Alone and Focusing with a partner work better with support.

I decided to create a new weekly email newsletter for that very purpose — for you.

Tips for Focusing Alone
In every issue there will be a tip for Focusing Alone.

In this issue, the tip is to take out your appointment book and make an appointment with yourself. Focusing Alone successfully depends on giving yourself the same respect you would give another person. So this is the first suggestion: make and keep an appointment with yourself!

Second, at the appointment time, pay attention to where you are going to sit. Find a place with low distractions (not right in front of your computer…) and where you can sit comfortably. It’s like you’re asking yourself the questions that a partner would ask you: “Where would you like to sit?” and “Are you sitting comfortably?”

Tips for Focusing with a Partner
Also in every issue there will be a tip on Focusing with a partner.

The first question you may be asking is: If I don’t have a partner to Focus with, how do I get one?

I am collecting a list of people in our area who are interested in finding Focusing partners. Just let me know you’re looking, and I’ll put you on the list… and let you know who’s already on it.

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