September 27 2005

September 27 2005
October 26, 2005 Ann Weiser Cornell

Focusing is helpful for all kinds of issues, all kinds of people. As we mentioned last week, Focusing helps both if you’re feeling “too much,” and if you’re feeling “too little.”

Feeling “Too Little”

When I first tried to learn Focusing, I didn’t know how I felt. I didn’t have access to my own wants, needs, emotions. It was easier for me to tell how someone else was feeling than to know that about myself.

Focusing was a revelation for me. For the first time that I could remember, I began to know how I felt. Yes, I really hadn’t known before. Some of you might find that amazing. Others are nodding along with me right now!

This didn’t happen immediately. It took me time to learn. I had to slow down, sense inwardly, and learn patience. I needed to trust that insignificant-seeming sensations had value and were important. But once I began to trust, a whole world opened up to me.

Getting Into Body Awareness

If feelings, needs, and wants are unfamiliar territory, then perhaps the simplest place to start is in your body. Just taking time to feel your body’s contact on the chair, to rest into that contact, is already a beginning. Notice right now… you can feel the chair, right? Now close your eyes and sink into that contact. Notice the difference if you really pay attention.


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