Focusing Tip #855 – Making Time for Self-Care – “Saying hello isn’t enough and sitting down to Focus would be too much.”

Focusing Tip #855 – Making Time for Self-Care – “Saying hello isn’t enough and sitting down to Focus would be too much.”
August 24, 2023 Ann Weiser Cornell
“Sometimes saying hello isn't enough and sitting down to Focus would be too much...”

Focusing Tip #855 – Making Time for Self-Care – “Saying hello isn’t enough and sitting down to Focus would be too much.”

How can you tend to upset parts if you don’t have time to do Focusing? Read on…

Jenna writes:

What about when I’m going about my day and something in me is upset about something, but I don’t have time to sit down and do a whole Focusing session about it.

How can I acknowledge the something without diverting my day to attend to it right now and still act from Self-in-Presence? Is this possible? If so, how so?

Sometimes saying hello isn’t enough and sitting down to Focus would be too much, divert from my other goals or intentions of the day.

Dear Jenna:

I get it! All day long we could be having experiences that trigger reactions like upset, anger, anxiety, sadness, and other “stressful” emotions.

We know that Focusing can help — if there’s time for a Focusing session.

But the activities of a day have a kind of momentum and, as you say, a whole Focusing session might feel like a diversion from other important areas of attention.

So what can you do that will help in a relatively short time?

You know about using Presence language and saying “I’m sensing something in me is upset.” That does make a difference, I’m sure.

Of course you follow that up with: “And I’m saying Hello to that.”

And then, you sense, something more is needed. I’d suggest reaching out to that part of you with some empathy. Like this: “I get that something upset you. Do you want to tell me more about that?”

Probably it will let you know what got it so upset… and it might not be what you were expecting. Then let it know you hear it.

That whole process will probably take less than five minutes, I’m guessing.

Then, if you sense to part wants more attention, perhaps you can make a date with it for later that day or evening… and sense if this makes a difference.

Because you are being Self-in-Presence for this whole process, you’re likely to be turning back to your day with balance, energy, and calm. Very good!


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