Focusing Tip #432 – What You Want is Not Just For You
“I am sensing what it is wanting for me or for others or for the world…” Ann writes:This week I’d like to…
“I am sensing what it is wanting for me or for others or for the world…” Ann writes:This week I’d like to…
“My dad left our family suddenly and unexpectedly…” Raewyn writes: Thank you Ann for your timely reminder of slowness and gentleness for…
“And how was that for you?” There is something more interesting than your email, more fascinating than a World Cup Soccer game,…
“Something in me often says ‘You are bad and wrong,’ and another part feels hopeless and despair.” A Reader writes:I’m getting a…
“My desire for self-improvement seems motivated by ego or by some part of me that’s criticizing me.” This week’s Tip is written…
“Wholeness does feel good, but it usually isn’t euphoric or ecstatic.” Melissa writes:Thank you for last week’s tip about positive feelings bringing…
“When I or my partner are having a very positive experience, I have the tendency to want to drop the idea of…
“What are the most important qualities of being a great Focusing Companion?” Kelly writes: How would you define being a Companion? What…
“I’m confused about how this image related to my original question…” Margaret writes:I am struggling to know how to make sense of…
“I feel like I am encountering old trauma. Is Focusing able to help heal that?” A Reader writes: In my Focusing process…
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The intention of Focusing Resources is to meaningfully contribute to personal, community, and global emotional health, with the understanding that positive emotional health impacts how fairly we treat each other, how well and quickly we recover from stress and trauma, and how wisely and collaboratively we meet the serious challenges we are all facing.
Focusing Resources, Inc.
1474 University Ave, #155, Berkeley, CA 94702
T: 510-225-0690 | Email Us
©2024 Focusing Resources, Inc. Photos of Ann and Barbara by: In Her Image Photography & Cia Gould