Focusing Tip #627 – When your trauma gets triggered by current events
Are you suffering PTSD symptoms just from watching the news? Read on… Susanna writes: What’s going on this past week, with the…
Are you suffering PTSD symptoms just from watching the news? Read on… Susanna writes: What’s going on this past week, with the…
What can you do when an old childhood-trauma-based issue has been triggered? Read on… Paul writes: Focusing is challenging for me. It…
Janet writes: Can our Self-in-Presence be wounded? Is that why we have developed parts that feel they need to protect/defend/hide from us?…
A Reader writes: I just realized that I dissociate. I can’t control it when it happens. It, whatever in me takes over…
If you were traumatized by someone, why doesn’t the hurt and anger heal when that person starts treating you better? A Reader…
If you’re triggered by what people say, and you know it’s from your own past, what do you do? Sally writes: I’m…
“Around that original trauma there seems to have developed a kaleidoscope of reactive feelings…” A few months ago Leslie wrote: I seem…
“My dad left our family suddenly and unexpectedly…” Raewyn writes: Thank you Ann for your timely reminder of slowness and gentleness for…
“I feel like I am encountering old trauma. Is Focusing able to help heal that?” A Reader writes: In my Focusing process…
“I am addicted to sadness, longing, self-pity, wishing, dreaming, etc…” A Reader writes:Recently I identified myself as being addicted to the emotion…
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The intention of Focusing Resources is to meaningfully contribute to personal, community, and global emotional health, with the understanding that positive emotional health impacts how fairly we treat each other, how well and quickly we recover from stress and trauma, and how wisely and collaboratively we meet the serious challenges we are all facing.
Focusing Resources, Inc.
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©2024 Focusing Resources, Inc. Photos of Ann and Barbara by: In Her Image Photography & Cia Gould