This weekly email newsletter is offered to support your Focusing process. Focusing is a different way of being from most of the cultural messages around us… so we need all the support we can get!

Tips for Focusing Alone

One of the things that people found most helpful in the recent Focusing Alone phone class was the suggestion to take your time to choose and prepare the place where you will sit for your Focusing. I gave people the assignment to take five minutes before starting the Focusing session, to sense into and find the just-right spot to sit. It would be a place where you are comfortable, away from distractions (like the pile of undone work!). If you’re a meditator, you might NOT want to sit in your usual meditating position, so as not to confuse your body. And lying down is probably not a good idea… unless you ARE trying to fall asleep!

Tips for Focusing with a Partner

The maxim we learned in Path to Lasting Change, Part One is “Empowered Focuser…Relaxed Companion.” That means, if you’re the Focuser, you get to say what you would like from your Focusing partner. And if you’re the Companion, you don’t have to be a mind-reader or a brilliant helper. In fact, don’t “help” at all! Just be there, moment by moment, saying back what the Focuser said (unless they asked for silence)… and if that feels like an effort, you’re probably doing more than you need to!

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