As you read this I am flying from England back to California, having completed two Treasure Maps to the Soul workshops in Wales. The next one: Greece at the end of September!

Tips for Focusing Alone

We’ve been talking about speaking out loud as a support for Focusing Alone. What about talking into a tape recorder? Absolutely! It gives you a good excuse for talking out loud, even if you never listen later, and it’s almost as if you’re talking to your future self.

Or make the tape for your Focusing partner… and imagine them there, listening, as you record it.

Tips for Focusing with a Partner

We’ve been talking about the situation where the Companion gives the time signal for being near the end of the session, and the Focuser doesn’t stop.

What if you’re the Focuser, and this happens to you? You asked for a one minute warning, and after the session your Companion gently informs you that you went on for five minutes after they said “one minute.”

This is good feedback because it’s telling you that your process really needed longer to come to completion than just one minute, and that’s not surprising. The ending of the session is a key time, and it’s really worth not rushing it. Face the fact that you do need more time than you thought, and next time, ask for it.

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