An Action Block that Won’t Shift


Jack writes: "One topic that I have been Focusing on for the last seven or eight years hasn’t shown any progress. Put simply, I have to do Y which if done would result in long term peace and happiness but might result in short term discomfort. If not done, it would result in real problems down the road. But, at that moment when I decide to do Y, I feel a pull to do X which would result in short term peace and happiness but real problems down the road. There are obviously two parts in opposition. I am able to be in Presence with both parts, feel what each part doesn’t want for me and wants for me (peace and happiness) but nothing changes. One image that keeps coming up during Focusing is a volcano with an enormous rock blocking its opening preventing it from erupting. Another image is a path with steep, unclimbable sides with a big rock blocking it. Again and again I say hello to a part that feels frustration with the situation and with the Focusing process. I’ve tried Focusing on the peace and happiness that would result if the rocks were dissolved. Still no progress with this action block. I have been Focusing for over 15 years with either a face to face or phone Focusing session every week with one of my regular partners. Any suggestions?"

Dear Jack,

And I too was Focusing weekly with a partner for many years with a block to writing that wouldn’t budge. So I empathize! Barbara McGavin and I developed Treasure Maps to the Soul because we both had these difficult areas in our lives that wouldn’t shift with Focusing the way we were doing it then.

It sounds like you are already using our Treasure Maps methods when you are being in Presence with both parts and listen to what each one is not-wanting and wanting for you. So let me see what other insights I can offer.

Here is what interests me about your report. You say you’ve tried Focusing on the part that feels frustration with the situation and the Focusing process. You say you’ve tried Focusing on the peace and happiness that would result if the rocks were dissolved. But you don’t say that you have said Hello to the rocks.

Those are powerful images: a volcano with an enormous rock blocking its opening preventing it from erupting, a path with steep, unclimbable sides with a big rock blocking it. I am very intrigued with those big rocks. They must really feel that something is very important to block. The rock that blocks the volcano–wow, there’s a rock, and there’s a volcano! There are your two parts: something as powerful and forceful and destructive as a volcano, and a rock powerful enough to stop it from erupting. Wow, there’s a lot of power there!

You say you are getting into Presence… and I’m sure you are doing your best… but to tell you the truth you sound identified with the part that wants this to change. And that of course is very easy to do, with any action block. The very concept of "action block" is from the position of the part that wants to change. The other part doesn’t call this a block. It may call it "safety," or "what I need for my integrity."

I’ll say it this way: If looking at those rocks brings up frustration, you’re not in Presence. If looking at those rocks brings up curiosity, you ARE in Presence.

The rocks are certainly bringing up curiosity in ME! I wonder what in you feels SO strongly that something should be prevented, that it feels the need to become a rock blocking a volcano! That doesn’t sound like something that just wants to prevent short-term discomfort. I have a feeling that you have been listening through the ears and eyes of the part that wants movement, the one that has an interest in belittling the needs of the blocking part.

"This one just wants to prevent short-term discomfort." But what is it really not wanting from ITS point of view? To find out will take patience and a willingness to not know already what it is not-wanting. It will take Presence, pure Presence, interested curiosity and respect. I’m excited by your powerful images. I think you’re going to discover that something much more important (to part of you) than short-term discomfort is at stake.

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