What if you feel you have so much unprocessed stuff inside of you, it will take too long to change? Read on…
A Reader writes:
Since the first day of Focusing, I’ve become aware of a lot of unprocessed stuff within myself. I realized that some of it has been there for years – only I didn’t know what to do with it. The good news is that Focusing helped some of it transform and be gone in less than 15 minutes! However, I’m still sort of overwhelmed with having so much backlog.
In your experience, how much time / how many Focusing sessions does it take to start to feel some difference? Are we talking about months / years? Hundreds of sessions / thousands of sessions?
Dear Reader:
Here’s what is interesting to me. You felt “some of it transform and be gone in less than 15 minutes.” And yet you write “how many Focusing sessions does it take to start to feel some difference?” as if you had not felt any difference at all.
Interesting but not surprising! Because there is often a part that doesn’t recognize small shifts. This part is waiting for everything to change… and anything less than that doesn’t count… for it.
And yet change in Focusing builds up out of small changes, small shifts. Even something as small as taking a deeper breath can be a step of change.
Parts can affect our perceptions. Often we see through the part’s eyes. In this case, I believe it is this part of you that has the perception of there being “so much backlog” – “so much unprocessed stuff.”
It is this part of you that feels overwhelmed and disheartened and is nudging you to ask me the question about how much time this is going to take.
So what I would recommend is that you turn toward the overwhelmed part that is worried that changing will take too much time… and start to let it know that you really get how it is feeling.
The inner world of feelings doesn’t operate by the laws of the physical world outside.
If you have a warehouse with 1000 boxes, and it takes an hour to move one box, you are looking at a job of 1000 hours.
But in the inner world, one small step of change can change everything. In the twinkling of an eye, it can all be completely different. The lightness and inner freedom you’ve been longing for… you’ve got it!