June 26 2007 #117
Was that image just distracting me? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Betty asks: "How can I tell if something is just distracting me from dealing with…
Was that image just distracting me? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Betty asks: "How can I tell if something is just distracting me from dealing with…
Chris writes: I’m wondering if you have any experience or advice on how to use Focusing when symptoms of depersonalization are present….
Focusing and Yoga ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shyam writes: My question is – In what way are Focusing and Yoga interrelated? How can/does one help…
Focusing with "Psychosomatic" Illness ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cobi writes: "Can Focusing be used to heal from psychosomatic illnesses? If so, how would I go…
"It seems there is not enough time." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gisela writes: "I can be in a good contact with myself (and others) when…
The Relationship between Presence and the Felt Sense ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Laura writes: "Would you describe the relationship between the self in presence and…
Feelings We Don’t Know the Reason For ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wendy writes: "My question is about when we have feelings that we don’t know…
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"is that the felt sense?"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Someone wrote: "I have been focusing on myown for over 12 months. I have read the bookonly. Is…
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"What if I want to kill this person?"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Manju writes: "I was talking about listeningto our feelings, and someone asked me…’what if i…
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Does Being With an Experience Naturally Bring Change?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Becky writes: In "Focusing-OrientedPsychotherapy," Gendlin says that repetitive,unchanging feelings, or "dead-end" feelings,"arise and remain unchanged…
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©2024 Focusing Resources, Inc. Photos of Ann and Barbara by: In Her Image Photography & Cia Gould