February 6 2007 – #97
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"How Can I Focus Alone?"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Heather says that one of her "burning questions" about Focusing is how to do it alone.Focusing alone has…
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"How Can I Focus Alone?"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Heather says that one of her "burning questions" about Focusing is how to do it alone.Focusing alone has…
Last week in our Weekly Tips I published a question from Jan, who wanted to know how to offer Focusing to his…
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"How Can I Give My Daughter Some Focusing Insights?"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jan writes: "Thank you for the invitation to ask questions, here is one I’m…
Is the Critic Really Positive? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rick writes: “Why is it that we are assured that the Critic is always positive, once…
Charles asks: “How can Focusing be used to address issues of health–e.g., the choices we make around eating, (selection of food, the…
The Journey Towards Peace ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Charles writes: “How can Focusing be used in the workplace to foster creative changes–and more broadly what…
“Why are you still in this quandary?” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heidi writes: “What if there is a stuck place that can’t make a decision…
“I was thinking that by Focusing I was being selfish” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Last week I wrote about how Focusing can support productive action,…
“I always came to that same place of fear” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A woman in Iowa writes: “When I first learned Focusing over 15…
“Is There an End to This?” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debbie writes: “I have been doing a great deal of focusing and tapping huge wells…
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©2024 Focusing Resources, Inc. Photos of Ann and Barbara by: In Her Image Photography & Cia Gould