November 21 2006
Good Boundaries and Your Focusing Partnership ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As far as I can tell, one of the two commonest reasons for a Focusing…
Good Boundaries and Your Focusing Partnership ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As far as I can tell, one of the two commonest reasons for a Focusing…
Focusing and Meditation Share a Long Path ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debbie writes: “Could you describe how Focusing is different from mindfulness type meditation or…
Radical Acceptance of How Much I Weigh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Connie writes: “Has Focusing been found to be useful by people who want to…
Since it’s Hallowe’en, let’s talk about scariness, fear, and Focusing. What Does “It’s Scary” Mean? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I never understood why skeletons are…
I have just finished a two-day workshop in the lovely northern Japanese region of Hokkaido, where the trees are glorious colors and…
“That struggle is exhausting!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alberta writes: “How do I access the voice and point of view of a ‘something’ when it…
“I have a hard time staying on track…” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heidi writes: “My question is about focusing alone. I have a hard time…
And then the pain went away… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It happened when Barbara McGavin and I were teaching Treasure Maps to the Soul in…
When Something is Hiding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Miriam writes: “I am wanting to get deeper in touch with a hidden or locked, unknown place…
Focusing with Specific Issues ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Colin writes: “I would be grateful for more specific advice on using Focusing with specific issues. In…
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©2024 Focusing Resources, Inc. Photos of Ann and Barbara by: In Her Image Photography & Cia Gould