Focusing Tip #558 – The Art of Focusing with Grief
Dear Readers: My beloved mentor, Eugene Gendlin, has died. He died peacefully a few days ago, on May 1, at his home…
Dear Readers: My beloved mentor, Eugene Gendlin, has died. He died peacefully a few days ago, on May 1, at his home…
“I say ‘something in me feels angry at XYZ’ and then I immediately feel stuck.” Suzanne wrote: I’ve been dealing with a…
“My clients seem to avoid feelings.” A psychotherapy intern asked me: Many of my clients seem to avoid feelings. When I ask…
“Not wanting to feel the anxiety usually makes it increase in intensity…” Monica writes: Anxiety seems to always be present in my…
“At times I feel confused about how this language works…” Nancy writes: I think one of the most helpful aspects of Inner…
“I have a lot of beliefs that if I understand why I feel something, that the understanding will bring relief.” Michelle writes:…
What can help with those painful self-judgements about body image like ‘I am not beautiful’? Read on… A Reader writes: Can Focusing…
Could trying to do too much Focusing create resistance to change? Bhavani writes: If an issue seems stuck, how often should one…
“The gagging is a not wanting of the most intense kind, and I tend to want to honor that.” Nancy writes: Sometimes…
When you’re in public and something is not right (like Warren Beatty at the Oscars), what can you do? You might be…
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©2024 Focusing Resources, Inc. Photos of Ann and Barbara by: In Her Image Photography & Cia Gould