As a participant in last weekend’s Path to Lasting Change, Part One said, “What’s so marvelous about this process is that you can be the listener and let your body speak.”

Marvelous indeed!

Tips for Focusing Alone

This week I’m mailing out a great article by Kay Hoffmann on “Solo Focusing” to the subscribers to the Focusing Connection newsletter. (Print!) Kay did a study of the blocks to Focusing alone, and found that the biggest problem is not getting into Presence… and thus getting merged with various parts of us that are wanting to be distracted, feeling impatient, and so on. Presence is SO valuable!

Deliberately taking time to find a sense of Presence at the start of any session can have a miraculous result on how successful it is.

Read Kay’s article online:

Tips for Focusing with a Partner

With a partner, it’s just as important to come into Presence… for both of you. Let’s start with the Companion. You’re sitting down with your Focuser, in person or on the phone. You’ve asked your three questions, and now there is a silence as the Focuser senses within. Use that silence! Don’t just wait… bring your awareness into your OWN body. Feel your hands and feet, your seat on the chair. This has an extremely positive effect for both people.

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