Focusing Tip #856 – Personal Growth and Self-Love – “If I love myself, how do I change?”
Does accepting yourself hold you back from change? Read on… A Reader writes: I heard you give a talk on Inner Relationship…
Does accepting yourself hold you back from change? Read on… A Reader writes: I heard you give a talk on Inner Relationship…
How can you tend to upset parts if you don’t have time to do Focusing? Read on… Jenna writes: What about when…
What if you know that your painful feelings now are connected to the past? Read on… Gloria writes: Sometimes, at work, and…
What if you try to give empathy to a hurting part, and you find yourself telling it to change instead? Read on……
Can you believe the messages you’re receiving from inside? Read on… Adar writes: I wanted to see if you can share with…
Is there an art — or a skill — to self-soothing? Read on… A Reader writes: People talk about self-soothing, but I’m…
What if something stops you from being creative by saying you’re not as talented as other people? Read on… Helen writes: I…
If you can’t feel a part that you know is there, is that because it’s hiding? Or is something hiding it? Read…
How can you strengthen your sense of self so you don’t stay hijacked by your parts? Read on… Roberto writes: I am…
When something you feel doesn’t reveal itself to you, perhaps it’s because it doesn’t feel safe. Read on… Last week, a reader…
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The intention of Focusing Resources is to meaningfully contribute to personal, community, and global emotional health, with the understanding that positive emotional health impacts how fairly we treat each other, how well and quickly we recover from stress and trauma, and how wisely and collaboratively we meet the serious challenges we are all facing.
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©2024 Focusing Resources, Inc. Photos of Ann and Barbara by: In Her Image Photography & Cia Gould