Focusing Tip #650 – Focusing with lack of attraction
What can you do when the feelings are missing that you know would naturally be there? Read on… Tom writes: My love…
What can you do when the feelings are missing that you know would naturally be there? Read on… Tom writes: My love…
Do you get stuck just feeling sensations and describing them, nothing more? Read on… A Reader writes: I get stuck at the…
What do you do if sensing into your body and saying Hello to what you feel doesn’t work? Read on… A Reader…
Might there be something that works better than saying “I need to let this go”? Read on… Jael writes: Nowadays it’s the…
Do you get taken over by intense feelings of rage that remind you of a raging parent or step-parent? Read on… Marianne…
What do you do when you are having more than one intense body sensation at the same time? Read on… Dorine writes:…
If your life changes in a way you have no control over, what can you do with the feelings about that? Read…
What if you can feel that something in you is scared but you have no idea why? Read on… A Reader writes:…
If you feel that you sabotaged your life, it might mean that a younger part of you needs your compassion. Read on……
What if you feel your emotional states easily, but it’s hard to feel your body? Read on… Gene writes: When I look…
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©2024 Focusing Resources, Inc. Photos of Ann and Barbara by: In Her Image Photography & Cia Gould