November 4 2008 • Getting Unblocked #10
What If Other People Are Blocked Too? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes what's blocked is not just your own life, but a whole situation, involving…
What If Other People Are Blocked Too? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes what's blocked is not just your own life, but a whole situation, involving…
"I'm a bad person … I'm stupid … I'm evil." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A reader asks: "Often a memory of a past experience comes…
Visualizing the Desired Outcome: How Does it Help?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the last Getting Unblocked E-zine I wrote about how positive visualization can help…
What If the Felt Sense Won't Talk? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Diane asks, "If your felt sense doesn't want to express itself, and you know…
Positive Visualization vs. Being Open to Negative Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jack asks, "I learned the value of positive visualization in athletics and have…
Got Some Reading to Do? How Focusing Can Help ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm starting to teach (with Glenn Fleisch) a two-year program on Focusing-Oriented…
When the Wanting Part Has a Not-Wanting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anna asks: "What has been coming up for me is a part that is…
More on Opposites and Focusing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Janice asks: "I thought I understood what a 'felt sense' was until the 'tip' question about…
"I had a shutdown." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our reader Barbara S. wrote in response to Ezine #4, where we wrote about times when everything…
Wayne asks: My query is about using the Focusing protocol in bodywork. I am working mainly with footballers, so I need to…
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